Well, I've been busy. Not to mention I have been having on going computer problems. I packed up my sewing stuff and all my yarn for the past two week because I knew I would have my grandkids for two weekends in a row. The first weekend the kids were here I let the kids bring the Bunny in the house. The following Monday my external hard drive wasn't working! Well, guess what? The bunny had eaten a hole in my cord!
The kids left on Sunday and I had started feeling a little under the weather on Sunday. By Sunday night I felt worse. Yesterday, I was in bed sick all day. I slept and slept and drank lots of water and took my remedies. I was determined to be well enough to go to work on Wednesday. Today I feel a whole lot better. I got up and started doing stuff and I started to feel a little bit bad. Guess I'm gonna need to take it a bit easy for another day. I think I will be well by tomorrow.
I love and adore my grandchildren so much and I love having them. I didn't have Brennan this past weekend though because he went to my daughter's. Her and her fiance took Brennan shopping for his clothes for the wedding. Brennan is a groomsman.
He's only 13 but looks much older. He's quite handsome as a cowboy!
I've been working on getting the dresses for the girls. Treelyn is a Junior bridemaid and Lanna is a flower girl.
Got a seamstress lined up for alterations for Treelyn's dress. This dress is only a sample and not the actual dress she will be wearing.
Also, trying to think about getting a bridal shower for Alison going for mid-March.
So this past weekend I was letting Treelyn sew on the machine. Oh, she really liked it so she made just a small bag first out of a shirt sleeve...then we made a bigger bag out of blue jeans...well, she was doing so good we went for a You Tube tutorial and I let her use some of my fabric. I only helped her cut and guided her through the you Tube. She literally sewed this by herself. She did every bit as good as I could, if not better! I was so impressed!!
Around the house:
I'm enjoying being outside on the sporatic warm days we are getting here and there.
I'm staking down all the old feed bags in the garden path ways. I got all the available feed sacks I have saved staked down.
The grass grows out of control in here. It's a major battle. So the idea is to cover all the grass with the plastic feed sacks. Then we will get a load of free mulch available at KMUD. It's going to make it look a lot nicer too.
Jeff got the new FREE chicken coop finished.
This will be for the baby birds we hatch this spring and any other times we need to seperate birds. The only thing he purchased to make this coop was the roof shingles. The wood he brought home from a wood crate from work.