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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tote Along Teddy Bear Basket


Well, I had posted a picture of the beginning of this project a week or so ago...Here is where I stand on that project as of today.

Teddy Bear Tote Along Basket Posted by Picasa

Teddy Bear Tote Along Basket Posted by Picasa

My daughter is really crazy about this. I have more outfits to crochet for the bear. I'm trying to stay focused and finish the projects I have started before rushing onto something new, but I still ended up starting a pair of fingerless gloves tonight. The clothes for the bear are little and easy so I can whip up those for a change of pace.
I have several snowflakes and angels that I have finished but I won't take pictures of those until I am blocking/starching them. I hope I can find time to do that tomorrow in between school work, laundry, cooking and the kids, not to mention tomorrow is library day! Hey, I think I have some crochet books on hold there! I've really been trying to do better about posting on the ol' blog again. I had gotten a little bit lax on it, I know. I really like to try to get a post in right before bed every night....that was my routine before.
Speaking of bed...I'm headed there right now! Good night!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Thread Snowflake


Here is a picture of a snowflake I made today. It is pinned because I am blocking and starching it. Those little boogers are tough to block!
Thread Snowflake Posted by Picasa

I have decided to move my photo albums to Sony's Image Station. I was having trouble with The photos wouldn't upload to the right location and then I couldn't get them to move. It also took a really long time to upload the photos. The verdict is still out on Sony's Image Station but so far it is much easier to work with, in my opinion. They have a drag and drop upload feature which makes loading the pictures much easier. The only two albums I have linked to the new location is my completed crochet projects and my crochet square album.

Just for fun ~ A few Memorable Quotes


"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the universe." - Albert Einstein

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." -Albert Einstein

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein

"I have no particular talent. I am merely inquisitive." -Albert Einstein

"Do not do what you would undo if caught." - Leah Arendt

"You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live now." - Joan Baez

"As a wise man once said, it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought to be a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt." - Anon

"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform." - Mark Twain

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Those who would trade a little liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin.

"Throughout history it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph." - Haile Selassie

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, November 28, 2005

My Birthday and Thanksgiving


Well, I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving holiday! We have been out of town for the holiday. We spent the week with some friends that we made while evacuating from Hurricane Rita earlier in the year! We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. The kids had a wonderful time playing with their 4 kids. Jeff went deer hunting for the first time. He was out every morning and every night but they didn't even see any deer!

Yesterday was my birthday and I woke up to a sewing cabinet in my living room!

birthday present Posted by Picasa
My husband really went all out this year! The kids were both so sweet today. They made me cards and little homemade presents. Alison made me a "pinata" by putting stuff in a large zip lock bag. She hung it up on the porch and had me swing at it!
cleaning! Posted by Picasa
Now this is a sight I don't see much! Michael didn't want me to do any house work so he cleaned my windows and dusted the furniture in my bedroom! He really did a good job, too!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Getting my groove back....


Well, I feel like I'm getting my crochet groove back. My son loves Panda bears. I just finished this bear for him. Now, that I took a picture of looks like my bear needs a mouth! I think I'll go back and add that! My crochet stuffed animal skills still need a little practice but he's definately an improvement from the first panda bear I made! These little bugars are hard to sew together!

Panda Posted by Picasa

Here is what I am working on now...can you guess what it is going to be?? Anyway, if this turns out, it will be a real hit with my little girl and will make great gifts, too! I wouldn't even be surprised if my son wants a less feminine version! We'll see....I won't know for sure until I'm closer to being done with it. It's going to take me a little while to get this done.

?? Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Need a laugh?.....And down with granny bashing!

This blog is sure to entertain you for a couple of minutes!

Stitchy McYarnpants: The Museum of Kitschy Stitches, Vol. IV - A Very Special MOKS: The Christmas Craptacular!

Also, click on over here and read this blog entry...Why is everyone so hard on poor old granny?

monster crochet: November 2005

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Tiny doggie


I made this tiny little puppy today. He is being held by my 8 year old daughter.

Looking for a crochet pattern for something similar to this....


This is a bought sweater that my daughter absolutely loves. I haven't been able to find a kids pattern like this. Everything I see is made more like a shrug...this is more of a cardigan with the ruffled neck. If anyone has seen anything like this especially in a kids size pattern...please let me know where to find it!

Alison's yellow cardigan Posted by Picasa

Here's the few things I have to show....this thread angel obviously not been starched or blocked yet! Excuse my unwoven ends please! I'm a little lazy tonight!

thread angel Posted by Picasa

A few scrumbles....

scrumbles Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 14, 2005



I haven't been getting much accomplished in the way of crochet. That's part of the reason I haven't posted here much. I have been extremely distracted with organizing all of my crochet patterns that I have saved on my computer. I was always printing them out from the internet and had them in binders. I've about decided that it will be easier to keep them on my computer and only print them when I am ready to use them. Printing them gets expensive!

I'll share one project I have completed!

Bath scrubbie & soap saver Posted by Picasa
I plan on making a wash cloth and maybe a back scrubber to go with this set.

Next, I want to share a few of my recent yarn acquisitions. Hobby Lobby had 50% off sale on all of their crochet books so I picked up a couple of books as well as some yarn.

new books Posted by Picasa

Yarn from Hobby Lobby Posted by Picasa

Do I NEED this yarn? No, but it sure is pretty and I have a weakness for all that furry stuff!

Now onto my Ebay yarn purchases...I had a phase of temporary insanity and about fell over when I saw how big these cones of yarn I got were! My kids were rolling on the floor laughing when I took it out of the box. "MAMA!"

I don't think I will ever use all this in my lifetime! Notice the yard stick that I have there to give you an idea of just how big they are. The rose colored cone weighs 6 1/2 pounds!! All three are Chenille yarn.

Chenille yarn cones Posted by Picasa

close up chenille Posted by Picasa
I did get a heck of a deal considering how much this stuff cost for a skein of it in the stores. I don't think I'll ever be able to use all this in my lifetime though!!

This yarn is going up for sale. This is a thinner type of thread yarn. I got it with some other yarns off of Ebay. I am keeping one just like the big cream colored one. I don't do enough thread crochet to justify keeping these. The yarns wasn't really what I thought it was so I think I am going to list it back on Ebay.

yarn for sale! Posted by Picasa

I just remembered that I have made a few thread snowflakes that I forgot to take pictures of. I knew I HAD to have accomplished something more than just the soap saver even with my distractions. I think I'm going to work on my freeform a bit. I'm going to make a freeform bolster pillow to go with my king sized afghan.

Well, its getting late I'm going to run for now.

Dear Blog,


I am so sorry it has been so long since you have heard from me. I know you are probably feeling neglected. I will try to do better.

Your friend,

Sunday, November 06, 2005

More finished project photos - chenille scarf and pillow


Okay, I just realized how close Christmas is so I am seriously starting to concentrate on Christmas presents for my husband's family. I've started on a few things. I won't say which ones are presents and for who on here just in case someone takes a peak at my blog. One of these items is going to be a present for someone.

Ruffled Chenille Scarf Posted by Picasa

Close-up Ruffled Chenille Scarf Posted by Picasa

I made this scarf from my HUGE cone of chenille yarn that I got off of Ebay. Wow! I've never worked with chenille before. This scarf should be nice and warm! It's amazing how heavy this thing is! I hear these ruflled scarves are "in" right now. I must say, I didn't really enjoy making this too much. It was rather boring but it only took me a couple of hours today to get it done! Very easy!

Unassembled Magnoilia Pillow Posted by Picasa

Close-up Magnolia Flower Posted by Picasa

Now this was fun to make and I love it! Obviously, this pillow has not been assembled yet!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Project photos


Bath Puff - top Posted by Picasa

Bath puff - bottom Posted by Picasa

Pattern for bath scrubbie is here: scrub

Evelyn's Slipper's - top view Posted by Picasa

Evelyn's slippers Posted by Picasa

doily Posted by Picasa

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