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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Long time no blog....:(


Okay, so I've been a bad blogger. Sorry, but we've had a lot going on around here. The weekend of July 8, we camped at Galveston. My guys, Jeff and Michael, went on their first deep sea fishing trip with our good friend and neighbor. Us girls went to the beach and hung out at the RV while the boys were fishing. Here's a picture of the Michael and Jeff with their fish!

Michael and his fish Posted by Picasa

Daddy and his fish Posted by Picasa

Then, as soon as we got back we realized that Alison had a bad case of lice in her head. I didn't recognize what it was right away because I have never dealt with this before. I had a little problem with it myself but mine was mild and easy to deal with. We spent several night picking nits out of her hair with tweezers into the wee hours of the morning. The problem was that her hair is so baby fine that the hair and the nit would just go right through the nit comb we had. We found a better nit comb that did the trick. I've been checking her everyday to be sure those little beasties are gone for good!

Last weekend we went to the the long awaited Newsboys concert. In case you don't know who they are, they are an awesome contempory rock band that our whole family are great fans of so that was lots of fun.

Now this week, we are getting ready to go on a big RV trip for Michael's 13th birthday! Michael & Alison are each bringing along a friend and we are going to 2 different Texas States Parks to camp. Michael picked the locations. I'll tell you all about it when we get back!

I do have some completed crochet things to post but hey, i gotta save something to post tomorrow!! LOL!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July holiday!


The weather has been rainy, rainy, rainy for it seems like forever so there was no backyard BBQ or fireworks for us! I was lazy most of the weekend. Alison went to a 4th of July party with one of her little friends and we had our neighbors over for dinner. I'm very messed up on my days because of the holiday. I keep thinking today is Monday! Now, I'm trying to catch up from all of my laziness and getting ready for our camping trip to Galveston this weekend. Jeff and Michael are going deep sea fishing with our neighbor and us girls are going have fun while the men are fishing!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Treasure Bags


treasure bags Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 03, 2006

Another baby doll dress


doll dress Posted by Picasa

I'm toying around with different ideas for a craft booth someone has asked me if I want to put any home made items in. I was thinking of baby doll dresses. Once I find a pattern I really like, I thought of possibly finding some dolls to model them on or even selling the dolls themselves with several outfits. I've thought of making the cradle purses. I was thinking about the treasure bags but I don't know about that. I'll probably make some scarves and hat sets. Anybody got any ideas on what would sell good. I have until November to get the stuff made. HMMMMMM......
I don't think this doll dress is worthy myself. I tend to never think my stuff is good enough to sell. Crocheting is something I do for fun.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Anniversary to me!


Today is my husband and I's 11th Wedding Anniversary! I don't think I could have found a greater guy to be married to than my husband. He's *almost* perfect! Marriage is a truly evolving thing and I'm realizing that we are still babies when it comes to marriage. I think life gets better with age & years and I think marriage is the same way. I am secure in the fact that if the good Lord allows it, we will have many more years and seasons to look forward to together!
We don't have anything big and spectacular planned since this is the ONLY weekend we will be home for the next month. Turns out I may have a sitter for the kids today though so at least we'll be kid free today! That alone will be a treat! I'm sure we'll figure out something for the day!

Buttons to take if you'd like to link to my blog








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