I promise this is the absolute first free moment I have even come close to having since we left on Friday to post here on my blog. The trip was long, long, long. I started the drive off on Friday (5/11) while Jeff slept and I only made it to Shreveport, LA before I was tired myself. Jeff drove until he was sleepy, then we took a off road nap. We passed through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia...We had been on the road over 24 hours with only stopping for bathroom breaks, drive-thru meals and our little hour road-side nap when we decided we couldn't drive anymore. We pulled into a Days Inn at about 11:30 pm and got a room for the night. We drove the 2 hours straight into DC the next morning. Now we did make a detour this day in Virginia to Look-Out Mountain.

I know I'm definately not the first to note how beautiful Virginia is. However, I know we missed alot of the beauty in the dark the night before. We'll see the mountains we missed on our drive home. We headed straight into DC by accident which was a mistake! But the next thing we new, there we were! We fought our way out and went to pay our respects at the Arlington Cemetary where we began our foot torture.

We weren't going to our hotel first so we had our dog, Brindi, with us. That is one reason we decided to go to use this day at Arlington Cemetary. We were able to take her with us here. We saw the site to see at the cemetary and then walked across the Potomac River Bridge where we prompty learned to stay out of the folks on bicycles way. Us Texans are much more leisurely people than these DC folk - LOL! This day would have been much easier if we didn't have Brindi to contend with. We found out we *could* have taken her on the subway if I would have known to bring her bag...which I had but it was ALL the way back in the truck...so we decided to walk instead. (We should have gone back for the bag! :) LOL. We proceeded to walk our feet off around the Washington DC Mall where we saw all of the monuments...Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington Memorials and the various other sites on the mall.

After all of that walking, that bridge was even longer on the trek back to our truck which was back at the Arlington Cemetary!
We drove to Baltimore, MD where our LaQuinta was at. We got some bad information from someone about where to find some eating places which got us caught in construction traffic and led us to NO eating places that we were interested in. I learned that Baltimore doesn't have "feeder" roads, as we call them in Texas. It looks like you are driving through a forest so you have to know where things are to find them because you can't see anything but trees from the highway. We were unsuccessful in finding anything and ended up eating at a Bennigans which was across from the hotel. This is the end of our first day's adventures....
I am having my first afternoon of rest at the hotel today, I will write more later..i need to because I'm already forgetting what we did each day.
I plan on relaxing the rest of the evening and watching the debate tonight on TV. I'm glad I won't have to miss that tonight. Jeff is at work so if we get hungry, we may have to venture across the street on foot to the McDonalds. There is a Wal-Mart over there too. If we get out, I am DEFINATELY going to buy me some in-soles for my shoes! I have been wearing my tennies but I swear I think I wore a hole in my foot today! Tomorrow, I hope I'll be "gellin'" - if I'm not my eyes will be swellin'