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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Finished Alison's Rag Rug


Here's the finished product. Boy, I haven't crocheted her something she liked this much in awhile! She's so excited about her rug!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Too busy these days


So much going on these days, I haven't been very good at keeping up with my blog. We started school. I visit my mom. Then Hurricane Ike hit. We left town and were gone for a week while power was out at our house. Things are still not quite back to normal in my area. I still know people that are without power and it takes a little longer to get places with traffic lights out. Our area wasn't one of the harder hit ones but there were still crushed cars and houses. We came out okay with most of our
fences down, minor roof damage...mainly just LOTS of big limbs and debris from trees. Our neighbors had mostly cleaned up our front yard by the time we got back. The back fence was completely down but the neighbor had already had it propped back up. The bad news is our deductible on our insurance is probably too high to worry about claiming it so that's 3 sides of fence expense we didn't count on...Oh well, so life goes.

Alison got a bunny rabbit from the neighbors who were looking for a home for it. Just what we needed, huh? LOL

I learned to knit while I was on "hurrication" from an old friend I got to visit because wouldn't you believe I didn't bring my yarn or crochet with me??? Crazy...
Well, I don't think I'm going to be a knitter though.

Alison and her daddy went on a daddy/daughter date this week.

Here's a baby blanket I just finished tonight for a friend who is having a baby. I have 2 pregnant friends right now so I'm working on gifts for them.

This first picture is before it was finished

This 2nd picture is the finished blanket.

Also, here is an incomplete rag rug but that's as far as I'm going to get on it until I find something else "hot pink" to cut up to finish it! It's for Alison.

Hopefully, things will be getting back to normal soon.

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