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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Alison had a date Saturday night....


With her Daddy, that is!! It was her yearly "Daddy/Daughter" date that Jeff takes her on every year for her birthday. She really loves it and holds him to it every year. They dress up and he takes her to dinner and spoils her. This year they went to the Beethoven Symphony, Olive Garden for dinner, and he always buys her a corsage. I pit the boy that's going to have to live up to her high expectations some day! LOL

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Back from camping trip to Caprock Canyon State Park


We just got back late last night. We had a great time once we finally got there! We had a few set-backs on the trip there. Jeff ended up getting called into work the morning we were supposed to leave and his truck was towed from the parking lot of the customer he was servicing! It was a mistake and the lady from the office called the wrecker driver to tell him to bring the truck back and caught him right before he was about to drive through the gates of the impound lot. So Jeff had to wait for them to bring his truck back! Then, we had a flat on the 5th wheel. It was the first flat we've had since we got it. It wasn't too bad. We didn't even feel it and a passing driver waved at us to tell us our tire was flat. Luckily, it was before dark and it only took about 30 minutes to change it. Next, we hit a deer! That was another first ever for us. Didn't hurt the truck because we have a Ranch Hand Grill Guard on the front of the truck. I felt really bad for the deer but he ran the wrong way and we can't stop that fast pulling a huge RV behind us! The trip turned into a 14 hour drive! We misssed the sign going into to park which we figured out when the road suddenly ended and it took us 30 minutes to get the trailer turned around. It was around 4:30 am when we finally got int. We were exhaused and went straight to bed when a wildest wind storm I've ever seen blew in and and was shaking the RV. I thought something was surely going to blow off the outside. Anyway, that kept us up for awhile.

Jeff's parents and grandma drove in on Saturday to stay the night with us. We took a hike on the Canyon Loop Trail and ended up hiking a total distance of about 7.5 miles!

We went and looked at some property for sale and while we were walking out there, we saw a mountain lion! I never expected that and it scared the be-jeebers out of us!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Mom & Baby Matching Hats


Click here for free pattern by Dot: FLOWER HAT aka LIZZY HAT

I used a "J" hook and worsted weight to make the baby hat. Then went up a hook size to a "K" to make the mommy hat. Was a fun and challenging pattern to make.

I will probably make this hat again with a yarn I have enough of to make the matching scarf to go with it.

Here is the link for the matching scarf: Patterns by Dot: A SCARF FOR LIZZY

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

All the sets I've finished and just now got pictures of....


Buttons to take if you'd like to link to my blog








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