Alison was very worried when her Daddy left last night to drive back to Houston. He didn't get to leave until after 1 am. We had a few setbacks here at the RV before he could leave. Something was wrong with the propane and he had to get that working before he left and then get the refrigerator running again. This trip pretty much is ending up costing us our last dollar but we have no choice in the matter. We didn't intend to have to make two trips! We can't go to the grocery store and all our food in the refrigerator is gone. Alison and I are going to live in Ramen Noodles and I'm going to cook up some of the meat from the freezer I hope I can salvage that thawed. I'll make a grocery list for Jeff to stop and get groceries on his way back home. Jeff just called to tell me he is almost there and he is thankful for the delays or he might have been involved in a bad accident. He said he was driving and he started seeing a dim flash of light in the middle of the road so he started slowing down. When he got to the light, it was a man in the middle of the road trying to warn him. There was a truck that had hit a cow in the freeway. The truck had flipped off the road...then a car had hit the truck, then a motorcycle hit the car. It was dark and people couldn't see it coming up. Jeff pulled over and got out with his flash-light to try to help warn people coming. He checked on all the drivers and he expected there to be someone dead. He was surprised that everyone was okay. The truck's roof was completely ripped off and looked like a convertible but the man was standing there bleeding and said he had a head-ache. Jeff said it was a terrible scene...the cow was a huge black cow and still in the middle of the road. Anyway, thank GOD for the delays Jeff had before he left or he might have been in that wreck if he'd come along just a few minutes sooner!
Things like this renew my faith...this trip shook it a little bit.
Now the story about the trip....
I guess the first clue was when Jeff went to go pick up the trailer that we rented on Sunday night. He couldn't get the trailer lights to work. He said they were all screwed up and he ended up having to just re-wire the whole trailer lights. He spent hours messing with that on Sunday night before we left on our trip. Then, on the way to Houston, we were pulled over by Texas Highway Patrol but we were not speeding. I'm sitting there with our little dog Belle on my lap....right as the officer is walking up to our window, Belle pees all over me and goes limp! I lift her up and she's a rag doll. I'm freaking out and shaking like a leaf because I think my dog is dying. I get out of the truck and she seems to get better. I set her down on the ground and she starts to act normally again. The officer had pulled us over because the trailer plates don't match the trailer and there was some other problem with the registration. He said they are normally supposed to seize the trailer until the registration can be confirmed. We told him we had rented it from a small outfit. He checked it and it was registered to the man we rented from but the plates were for a different trailer. He was a nice officer and said he would give us a warning but we could get stopped again on the way home and it would depend on the officer on whether he would let you by or not. We dontinued on our way and got to Houston without event. We got all the things done we needed to get done. The weather in Houston was unbearably humid and Jeff and Michael about killed themselves loading up the trailer. We had to clear and entire storage unit. After they get done and coming driving up, Jeff is shaking his head...there is no way that trailer is going to make it back. It can't handle the weight. So here we are stuck with all this stuff in this trailer that we can't haul back. With limited finances and driver's we can't rent a box truck. I have to drive my car back. So, we ended up renting a different trailer from U-Haul. Jeff and Michael loaded as much as they could on there to lighten the load on the other trailer and I followed Jeff last night in my car. He's now back in Houston to bring back the u-Haul trailer, sleep, and now pull back the original trailer with the lightened load back here with the rest of the stuff. Now, all he has to accomplish is to get back here with that trailer without event!
I was pretty much in tears once Jeff drove up with that trailer and we realized it wasn't going to make it. We had saved the money to make this trip from the jobs Jeff had been doing. Now, with the extra gas and rental, I had to break into the last reserves I had tucked away to make it until Tuesday when we get our un-employment check. At least God showed me that he's still there and watching over us so I feel better now. I'm heading to my new part time job today and Jeff thinks he can get a painting job this week. There's a park ranger job opening a guy here told us was open so he's going to talk to them about applying for that. I do know one thing...I'm grateful to be here where we are instead of in Houston while all of this is going on. We are going to get through this and be better off in the long run. neighbor just brought me a pint of milk. At least we can eat cereal until Jeff gets back with groceries!
Anyway, at least Alison had a great time visiting with her two best friends in Houston.

That's silly string in their hair! They had what they call a "Candy Party". I took them to the dollar store and they loaded up on candy and silly string. Then, they sat in the yard being silly and eating candy!
My beautiful daughter is the light of my life...I look at her everyday and am so thankful for her sweetness, innocence and beauty....