Do you see the "fog"? Well, that is not fog...it's pollen! I have been having trouble breathing for the past month because of this stuff. Well, they say the "Mountain Cedar" pollen season is over but I woke up this morning sneezing like crazy, my nose is running and my eyes are watering now. Different symptoms than I had before. They say the "Ash Pollen Season" will begin next.
Oh, how I LOVE my Kirby!! I don't have room for a vaccume cleaner in the RV so I just have this little shop vac I've been using. Well, today I had Jeff get the Kirby out of storage. I forgot how good that thing works! It feels so much "cleaner" in here! Well, then I decided I wanted my attachments to clean curtains and get all the dust from the ceilings, etc. but Jeff can't find them in the storage. Something else that is lost in the black hole of our storage building....sigh. Oh well, I'm keeping the Kirby out though. The kids made a space in their room for me to keep it. Yay! No more vacuming on my hands and knees and I'm armed to face all the dust and dirt that seems to plague me.
Today would have been Alison's first "Pointe" class in ballet but she is still hurt and can't dance. At least walking doesn't hurt her anymore but it still hurts to do certain things. Hopefully, she'll be better by Thursday! Alison also finally got to see Princess today. It's been over a week since she's seen her! Her daddy took her up there today. Princess was sweet as usual. I picked Alison up from the stables to take her straight to dance (the teacher wanted her to at least come and watch). I couldn't resist taking a picture of princess over the fence before we left.

Here are some thoughts on the Star Coverlet Afghan. You know I had come across the problem of some of my yarn scraps were actually too small to complete one of these diamonds. I like to have a project going that is a "true" scrap yarn project which to me, means that I can use any length of scrap yarn I happen to have. A lot of my scraps I just ALMOST had enough to finish the diamond but not quite enough. I was thinking though....you could make your diamonds smaller. There's no reason why you have to make them 14 sc across. You can experiment with size of your diamonds and make them smaller to be able to use even smaller scraps of yarn. You could also just scrap out your diamonds and change colors in the middle of them but I don't think it would look good unless you did them all that way. Also, you would end up with even more ends to weave in.
Well here is the progress on my other scrap afghan I have going.

I'm putting the scraps that are too small for the Star Coverlet here. This is super quick to throw them on this. I'm not even letting them build up bigger than a quart size zip lock bag. If it's too small for a diamond, it goes into the ziploc bag where I also keep my hook. I keep my "I" sized hook in the zip lock bag with the scraps so I don't forget what size hook I am using.
Now, I am up to 5 Hexagon Motifs!

This will be one of those projects that I will get a huge sense of accomplishment with once I'm done!