Wow, I've been such a bad blogger! It just seems like I have nothing interesting to say and I'm haven't been crocheting anything. I'm totally uninspired on the crochet front. We've been staying pretty busy though. This past weekend Alison and I took a little over night road trip. We drove to San Antonio and did some shopping. Then we went from there to Blanco. We visited and spent the night with an old friend. We drove around my old stomping grounds and visited my mom & dad's gravesites. We did a little more shopping and went to the mall on our way back home through San Antonio again. We had a good time eating some good food and just getting away was nice! Alison got herself a nifty little curler at the mall. She loves it and the curls stay in. Quite amazing!! Here is before and after pictures of her hair....

We were back in time to go to our new church on Sunday. Alison really, really likes then new church. It has been very refreshing and renewing for her to be around some other kids that seem to really love God like she does.
Oh! And another new development is...Alison and Morgan broke up! It was a pretty uneventful break-up this time and I think it is over for good this time. I've seen a real change in Alison over the past few weeks in regard to Morgan. There were no tears this time and she seems to be fine with it. She's been thinking of breaking up with him for some time now but she didn't want it to end badly. Hopefully, they are going to be able to be friends.
We looked at some land this weekend! It's 46 acres with a lot of pasture land for horses and it's even pretty close to town. It's some of the best land we've ever looked at that we could ever even consider affording but it would still stretch us to our limits. There are a few things that have to fall in place before we could buy it though so we're praying about that. I guess if it's meant to be, it will work out I guess.