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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Day Fun!


Gracie is thankful for her special salad of scraps on Thanksgiving!

I had a lot of scraps for her!

This is the time of year I got Gracie two years ago. I'm so glad Michael found her!


A little shooting for fun...

The puppies opened their eyes yesterday. They are 2 weeks and 2 days old today.

A Thanksgiving Sunset.


Here's wishing all of you a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving! No matter what circumstance we may ever find ourselves in, we can always find something to be thankful for. I feel very blessed this Thanksgiving. Have a wondeful and safe day!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Alison's Christmas Cards


This is a card order Alison completed. This order was very specific on what she wanted on her cards and she even brought Alison some old cards to cut up to make these. Alison is selling her handmade cards for $3 each.


Here's a picture of the LSU hats that went on with an order last week. The price on these hats went up after I started making these hats and I realized I didn't charge near enough. It's not a *hard* pattern but I combined two patterns and there is a lot of cabling so it took me longer than a standard hat.

My daughter is wanting me to make her infinity scarves. They are very in style this year, so I've been exploring scarf patterns. I made this one to sell but I'm making another one just like it for Alison.

I made this cluster stitch cowl...

I bought Alison an infinity scarf at Payless the other day...yes, isn't that crazy that I'm BUYING one?? They are $17 at Payless so I think I should be able to get $25 for my hand crocheted ones.

I've been going through boxes of stuff I had already crocheted. Came up with these three hat/scarf sets.

Not crazy about this set or the yarn but it's maroon ....maybe some Aggie's fan would like it.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Convertible Hat & Fingerless Gloves


I needed two models for this set to show how the convertible hat works. The hat has a drawstring at the top so it can be drawn up as a hat or you can losen the drawstrings and wear it as a cowl. Alison is wearing hers as a hat on the right. Ana is wearing hers as a neck cowl on the left.

This picture shows the matching fingerless gloves.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dinosaur Hat


Someone asked me if I could make a dinosaur hat so I did! I didn't follow any particular pattern. I've gotten to where I have a particular "go to" HDC beanie pattern that I use for the base of all my hats now. I looked at several dinosaur hats online and combined attributes from each design. I thought about adding some spots! What do you think? Should I add spots?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Heirloom Quality Baby Gift


Well, I managed to ship that box out without taking pictures! Of course.

Anyway, I finally took pictures of my baby gift I made for my nephew's baby. Boy, that second picture sure looks gray! The bottom picture shows the color better. This is very expensive yarn left over from my sister's blanket. The picture really don't do it justice.

I used a pattern called Exquisite from a baby afghan book. I like how the blanket turned out. This is not the type of blanket you want to start and find errors in the pattern but this pattern was very well written and I would probably make this one again if I needed to.

Alison has the lead part in her ballet this year! She gets to dance throughout the show and has 2 solos. We stayed late to class last night for her to learn one of her solo's. She loves it. It's a beautiful, beautiful dance to the Song "Oh Holy Night" sung by the Marine Chorus Band. We are heading over to the dance studio early today for her to rehearse with one of the little girls she has a part with. Then, it's our usual trip to town for Alison's Youth service and I'm heading to the store with my Thanksgiving shopping list!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Quick Update before I head to bed....


I'm close to finishing up on a box of crochet stuff for a couple of my nieces friends. If things go as planned, I should be finished with the last hat tomorrow and I'll take pictures of it all. I'm ready to get it shipped out!

I had a friend come by on Saturday and buy quite a bit of stuff and she placed an order for 3 sets of fingerless gloves and 3 hats. I'll be getting started on that tomorrow as well.

Alison has started making her Christmas cards. She's sold a few already and has had some people place some orders.

We're really in the holiday spirit early this year! I've already gotten my Christmas stuff out of storage. As soon as I get some of this crochet and yarn stuff that's sitting all over the place organized, I'm planning on putting it all out early! Time to start meal planning for Thanksgiving! We'll have my son & his wife here and I've also invited Alison's friend and her dad and siblings for Thanksgiving. The more the merrier. We'll be working at the stables the week of Thanksgiving but I'll be cooking on Thanksgiving day.

I'm really tired. We had a girls campout at our house all weekend. Then, we went to a Mounted Shooting clinic on Sunday. It was pretty much an all day thing. It was really neat and now all the girls are wanting to do mounted shooting! Talk about the ultimate in cool and talk about a challenge! Looks like a super fun sport. There is not a lot of mounted shooting clubs in South Texas and they are trying to get it started here in South Texas. So....what's next? Not terribly expensive either once you get your guns! Guess the next thing to do is gun break Princess!

Alison just shot a 22 for the first time on Friday when we went out to the ranch to see the horse she was going to work with.

Tonight, we just got home from a "Pinterest Party" It was fun but ended up being a very small gathering.

Well, hopefully pictures of completed stuff tomorrow!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, November 15, 2013



Finished second part of an order.

Here is a Palomino Horse Hat I finished last week.

Alison has her first horse training job this morning! New horse owners and the horse needs to be trained to back up, open gates, eventually train to run barrells. The guy also wants Alison to work with his daughter. Since Alison wants to be a horse trainer, this is good experience for her to deal with new people and horses she doesn't know. I'm going to try to keep my mouth shut and let her do the talking! Wish us luck!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Puppies & Crochet


Well, the puppies are less than 2 days old now. Baby is the best little mommy I've ever seen! She will not leave those puppies! I can tell she wants to at times but she won't dare. We are bringing her food and water. This morning was the first time she willingly left them. She came in my chair to see me and be loved on. Then I gave her some food in the usual spot in the kitchen. She was in a huge hurry the whole time and ate really fast and then ran back in there to her babies.

This little guy has such pretty little black & white markings! He was the first one out! It's so cute becuase the very tip of his tail looks like it was dipped in white paint!

This one has a white spot on his chest. I think this is the one that will look most like her mama. He was the 2nd one out.

This little girl was the puppy #3 -- she is the prettiest gray color! I don't know if I've ever seen a dog this color! She also has the litte tiny white dip on the end of her tail. If we keep one, we're going to keep this one because it's a girl. All of our dogs are girls so we don't want to add a boy dog to our bunch.

In the meantime, I'm working on some crochet orders I have. I finished this little penguin hat that is half of an order. The lady sent me a picture of this hat and wanted me to make it. Pretty simple and very similar to making an owl hat.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Our dog, Baby, had puppies last night!


Wow -- I can't believe I'm this old and I've never seen this before. It was so cool to watch our dog have her puppies last night! As soon as we got home from dance last night, we knew Baby must be going to have her puppies because of how different she was acting. I took her temperature and it was 97 which means yes, she should go into labor in less than 24 hours. Well, we didn't have to wait long. She had the first puppy at 8:30. He is a little black & white. Puppy #2 came at 10:00 and is a solid black boy. Puppy #3 was born at 10:40 and is grey. Baby got better and better at the whole process with each pup. What a cool experience! I'm glad she only had 3!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Well, we made it through the weekend with my son getting married. I haven't talked about that on here because it hasn't been a very difficult situation for our family. It's done now and we'll just make the best of it. My son has been having a lot of difficulites this past year and he's only 20. Just trying to pray my way through it.

I've been getting a few orders for crochet! I have three orders to complete right now but I can't start on them until my husband picks me up some yarn in San Antonio. I like to use I LOVE THIS YARN from Hobby Lobby. Nowhere good to buy yarn for 90 miles from us! So....I have 5 hats to make! I'm glad because I'm going to crochet now matter what...might as well make some money while I'm at it!

This time of year is always so busy. We had planned a trip to see Jeff's parents over Thanksgiving but they just asked us to work at the stables that week! We want to work but we didn't think we were going to so Jeff made all these plans and told his parents we were coming. They are going to be very disappointed. So...we sat down and tried to figure out when else we can go. With Christmas and stock show and dance rehearsal and dance show all in a short period of's hard to figure out when we can go. Plus, we have all these animals we have to have someone take care of. I think we're going to plan the trip around Christmas instead.

This week is the last Co-op of the semester we are having a Thanksgiving dinner. A break from co-op will ease the schedule quite a bit and will ease up on Alison because she won't have homework from those classes for awhile!

I had to get this picture of my spoiled girl the other day.

I don't usually just let her eat corn straight out of the can but it was full so I let her have a little feast! LOL! I usually give her a bowl of corn in the morning and in the evening. Along with that she gets her Alfalfa hay, sweet feed, we pick branches from trees for her to munch on and for a treat she gets a handful of cat food every day! The cat food is a new addition since we found out she LOVES it!

Well, I finished this COW HAT the other day! I just love how it came out!

This one is sized for an 18-24 month old and I'm going to put it on my page for $20.

I also finished this set for my great nieces. I think I already posted pictures of the hats but I added a scarf for the 6 year old and a pair of booties for the baby girl to match.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

What I'm doing today....


My son is getting married this Satuday and I my sister's will be coming to my house for s short visit so I guess I better clean up the place a little. Before we moved out here, my house used to be spotless all the time. Now, a little dust is part of life so it doesn't really get to me anymore.

I finally got some pictures of some of my latest crochet.

I have been wanting to crochet a HORSE hat for awhile now. I didn't have a pattern I really liked so I crocheted this one by looking at pictures of several different patterns to get what I wanted. I like it a lot but I wonder if the snout was a little smaller if it would look better? Not sure. A horse is a difficult animal to capture in crochet if you ask me!

The rest are just more crocheted baby headbands.

These two I plan to give as gifts....

Here's a picture of the goats. Alison will be showing the one of the right

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