So excited!!! We went to our 2nd Mounted Shooting Clinic on Sunday! Alison decided to bring her horse, Princess. She was really apprehensive about the whole thing. For one thing, Alison herself was nervous about the guns...then of course, you expect your horse to react if they haven't been gun broke. I told her to just do it and we'll see how it goes...she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to do and either way it's a good thing for both of them to be exposed to. They tell you how to work with your horse to get them used to the guns and then when they start shooting you start out with a 22 and gradually increase the callibers. (Keep in mind, you are only shooting non-lethal rounds) You lounge your horse and shoot in front of them at the ground...then in back....then finally you shoot leaning over the horses saddle. It was so exciting to see how AMAZING Alison and Princess did. The close relationship and trust Alison has with Princess really shined this day. I think everyone there was pretty shocked....Princess barely even flinched at the guns. Alison ended up shooting off the back of her horse and trotting the pattern shooting the balloons before the day was over. I think we're really going to try to do let Alison do this. The Shooter Club that was there were so great and helpful. They are motivated to try to help people get started in this sport in South Texas because there is very little of it here....most of the shoots are up near Dallas. I wish I could post the videos I took but my internet is too slow.