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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Another day...


Well, I got a "little" bit of crocheting done today. I was really tired because I haven't been sleeping well this week. We spoke with our new adoptive family, Amanda and Jerry Warren from New Orleans. Jeff met them in front of Big Lots by the dome to deliver their little battery operated TV and Pre-paid phone to them. She wanted to pay for them but we told her to save her money because she's going to need it. Amanda was a cook in New Orleans before the storm and they say she makes a mean pot of gumbo. They didn't know what pico de gallo was or tortillas! They have never had mexican food! We're going to have them over and make fajitas for them. Jeff makes awesome pico de gallo and no restaurant pico would do, especially if you've never tried it. They said they love spicy stuff. She was able to get a recorded message out by some people that came into the dome helping people looking for their family members. They are supposed to run her search for a week. I pray that she is able to locate her family. She is really torn up about not knowing where they are and if they are okay. Her husband Jerry said he'd like to wash dishes somewhere...his son said he'd do that too if he could. They said a lady came to them and wanted to move them from the Astrodome to the Reliant Center because the accomodations there are a bit more comfortable and better suited for the children. They have people watching kids and a play area for them in the Reliant Center. I'm glad to hear that because I have heard that the Reliant Center is more comfortable. You don't hear them complaining though...It has been the strangest bond we have with these particular family. I already feel like they are family to us and she tells us she loves us every time she talks to us. Talk about our family and theirs being the odd couples! Our lives were worlds apart less than a week ago and now I know that these are people we will stay in contact with for the rest of our lives. I had to really stretch myself to go out and do the things we did going down to the Astrodome to help these people. I am not an outgoing person and I hate crowds. We walked around in parking lots in Houston that I never would have walked gotten out of the car in before. Complete strangers come up to you and tell you they appreciate you even though you haven't done anything for them personally. The way these people think seem to be that by helping one of theirs, you are helping them all. There are some bad apples in every group of course but I truly believe that the Lord led us to the people we have met so far.

What next?

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