My first *real* blog post in a long time!
0 commentsWe are home from our trip...I think we are home for a little while now! The weather at South Padre Island was awful!! It was rainy, cold, and realy windy! I guess I can't complain though because we knew it was going to be that way! The kids and I mainly hung out in the hotel room and they did their school work. I did let the kids take a walk to the beach one day while I watched them from the warm truck! It was just too yucky for me!
The weather did clearn up enough on Thursday for us to take a stroll on the beach and the kids got to run around and play a little bit. On Friday, Jeff made a call to a customer in Harlingen, Texas which isn't too far from the Mexican border. We took a day trip over the border before the we drove home on Friday. It was a lot of fun! It was interesting for the kids....and it was their first time out of the USA!
We ate some really yummy tacos at this taco stand that left me wanting more!!
Another shot of the kids ...
I bought this pewter cross there for $4...It's about 6 x 4. I bought it for a friend that collect crosses. I thought it was a good deal and they had hundreds to choose from....
My little gem I bought....this is a little bag made out of candy wrappers! The little guy selling these had some larger bags and purses but I didn't come prepared with much cash so I only bought this small one for $6. I am so impressed with this little bag and have been looking all over the internet trying to find instructions on how to make these!!
We recently got back into contact with Rhonda and her kids which is a family that stayed with us because of Hurricane Katrina. We had lost contact for awhile and one of the children had a birthday party last Saturday. There is a new baby only 4 months old which Alison was tickled pink to get to see. That girl is wild about babies!! She's going to make a sweet little baby sitter when she gets a little older. She would actually make a good baby sitter now even! Here's a picture of Alison and I with Baby Joshua....
Another thing that is keeping me busy is that I am taking some PSP (Paint Shop Pro) lessons. It is through a yahoo group and I am so impressed with the lessons and how thorough they are! I had joined several groups to try out but I believe I like this one the best:
Stepping Stones Through PSP
The lessons are very well written and you have your own moderator assigned to you who checks your lessons as you send them in. Participation is mandatory and I almost passed up this group because it seemed so strict but I'm really glad I didn't now. I think I am learning the most from this group. They start out just showing you about the program and how to set your settings and things like that before you even start actually creating things in PSP. Anyway, that's my little plug for that group! Another group I am enjoying is:
PSP Learning Center
I don't want to be critical because these are free lessons (both groups) but the lessons are not quite as thorough in this group but I am enjoying them too! I've gotten to make some cute little things through this group.
Want to see some of the stuff I've made so far?...
Made this for my friend Jill....
Of course this one I made for Alison...
All of these are from my PSP Learning Center class lessons....
Once I get more proficient with this, I might re-vamp my blog banner and buttons with my own original designs! It's all pretty fun!
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