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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!!


This is one New Years I don't think I'm going to be awake to see it roll in. I'm pretty exhausted tonight. Another long day with my mom at the rehab and I'm feeling the pressure as the week wears on. I went back tonight and my mom's roommate was saying my mom had been carrying on and upset ever since I left at 3:30....I had only been gone 2 1/2 hours! She couldn't get her to calm down and was punching the nurses button for my mom all afternoon. Oh she was angelic and sweet once I got back. She was wet and hadn't eat for them. I brought her a sandwich which she ate. She was bright eyed and bushy tailed and not acting sleepy like she normally does so I got out of there late. I just got home and its 9:30. The physical therapist talked to me today about me trying to work with her on her motivation...trying to get her to try to get up by herself. I feel like a lot of her success depends on someone being there with her since she gets so upset when she's alone. It's hard for anyone to get through to her. It's so heartbreaking...sometimes she wants to cooperate with me and do what I'm telling her to do but she doesn't understand. I just wanted her to lean forward so we could change her shirt. I finally got her to do it by getting her to lean forward to hug me. Her broke arm is hurting her now because they have been excercising it. She didn't want to use it to eat today. Usually, she will use it.
Well, I guess I'll stop whining now. The sounds of fireworks are going off everwhere around me.

Here's a picture of my pretty little mama:

I get a little bit of crocheting done when I'm there during the day. Going to bring some easy, quick projects to work on like hats and scarfs. I think I'll have a set finished tomorrow.

Happy New Year everyone!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tried to have a little fun tonight but some thug ruined for us


I bowled for the first time in about 20 years. My sister, her boyfriend and her 3 kids all decided to go bowling tonight. We had a lot of fun bowling but it seems bowling alleys, or at least the one we went to, aren't the family friendly places I remember them to be when I was a kid. It was the first time Alison has bowled and the kids are ready to go back. Apparently, its where people go to drink, pass out, and throw up. We came out to our truck to find we had been burglarized. They stole our stereo, Jeff's blackberry, MP3 player and his gun and screwed up the locks on our door royally. We spent the next hour and a half waiting for the police to show up. While all 8 of us are standing out in the parking lot waiting, we saw two different vehicles driving through the parking lot looking suspicious. A girl with us saw one of the cars circle, park for a couple of minutes and then drive off. A few minutes later a guy comes running over to us asking how long we had been standing out there...his truck had been broken into about 20 minutes ago. Apparently, that car had robbed his truck right under our noses! We had bowling alley check surveillance cameras and they saw our truck being robbed and the two guys doing it. The car we saw was the same type of car we saw when we were standing out there! Apparently, they came back! It makes me sick that miserable low lifes make a living off of hard working honest people. This is the 2nd time our truck has been burglarized...the last time was in San Antonio. I guess if I ever go bowling there again, we'll drive our old beater...the Tercel since our truck seems to be a hot target.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


Friday, December 19, 2008

I finished Alison's pinata for her birthday party tomorrow! She wanted a heart shaped pinata so I got myself together and made it for her. It turned out so pretty!

I had my doubts about this one in the beginning because it was really hard to get the balloons to stay in the heart shape long enough to paper mache over them. Then it kept caving in but I eventually got it together and it turned out really cute! I made pink heart shaped rice crispy treats. I am waiting for the cake to cool right now so I can ice it. This should be interesting...a friend had ballet slipper cake pan so I'm going to attempt it!

We took Alison to see the Nutcracker Ballet for her birthday a week ago! Since we homeschool, we went to a school performance during the day for discounted prices. It was great fun! We let her open one of her birthday presents that day. I gave her the boots she's been wanting so she changed into those and wore them to the ballet.

Daddy and Alison the row below us at the ballet...

My beautiful daughter.... and she's just as pretty on the inside.

Here's my last brag....I left my kids alone for a few hours this week and this is what they made!! My husband had brought home this wooden crate from work and it was sitting in the yard. They thought is would make a nice nativity so they cut out these figures from an old Ron Paul for President Yard Sign (corrugated plastic) and then painted them. I think it is so amazing! Not a stitch of help from mom or dad. They shredded paper for the hay.

They also made a cross out of old fence posts and then wrapped it in lights. The pictures not so good because it was so foggy that the camera was actually picking up the moisture in the air that night.

Mom had a really good day yesterday


My sister is giving me a break and I'm at home trying to get ready for Alison's birthday party on Saturday. I'm working on making a pinata today, baking her cake, etc. I'll be with my mom Monday through Wednesday next week and my sister is coming back to be with mama on Christmas Day. I'm grateful for kids were starting to get worried when I told them I was probably going to need to be with my mom on Christmas Day even. I think it is really helping my mom not to be left there alone and my sister has raised quite a "ruccous" over the problems there have been since my mom has been there. My sister said that mama had a really good day yesterday. The therapist is trying to be creative in his approach with mama and he got her to scoot over on the bed (a big accomplishment) and she even stood up partially with help on the bars! Once she realized what she was doing, she freeked and got scared and tried to sit back down. She can do this if she can overcome the fear.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mom has been moved to rehabilitation


It is an awful place but the therapy is pretty good. Unfortunately, that's only an hour a day. My mother is absolutely terrified. My sister has been in town for the past week and mostly at my mom's side all week. I have been gone a good part of the week but its only going to get worse when my sister leaves. My mom is not being tended to properly so leaving her there alone could be dangerous. My sister left for a little while this afternoon and came back to find her in a very dangerous position with no one in site. It could have been very bad and it was very upsetting. My mom is completely dependent right now because of her injuries. She has to be fed, changed, since she can't stand up. We plan on getting her out of there as soon as humanly possible. We have found a place that seems close to wonderful for her once she gets through this rehab. It's a pricey place with a home/cottage type atmosphere with only 16 alzheimer residents. It is designed to be assisted living through end of life care. We looked at lots and lots of places and this the best we've seen so far.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Sad news


The assisted living called me around midnight on Sunday night to tell me my mother had fallen in her room and they were calling an ambulance. I rushed down there and got there while they were trying to get her onto the back board. The news at the hospital was bad. She had broken her shoulder and her hip. She had a hip replacement surgery and a plate put in her shoulder today. She did great during surgery and was in her hospital room recovering when we left her tonight. Still trying to let the anesthesia wear off. What happens next depends on her and how she does during the rehabilitation/physical therapy. It's hard to say because of her Alzheimer. She was very confused in the hospital and doesn't really understand where she is or what is happening to her. It is absolutely heart breaking to see. Alzheimer is very cruel and I hate it.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Here's a picture of a purse I crocheted awhile back and just realized I hadn't taken a picture of it yet. I had started making these squares to make a baby blanket. After making a stack of squares I decided I didn't want to make that blanket because there were too many color changed and ends to weave in so I turned the squares into this bag instead. I may let Alison use this as her dance bag. I sewed the handles on wrong so it looks like a top! I think you could make a little halter out of squares like this!

I'm happy to say that I have almost completely finished my Christmas shopping and I didn't buy ONE present at Wal-Mart! Yea!!!! The majority of our presents came from Sears and Academy and Radio Shack. The few things I have left to buy will be bought on-line.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Well, it got chilly last night so we lit the fireplace for the first time this year and watched a Christmas movie on the Family Channel.

We decorated the Christmas tree Sunday night. It's getting harder and harder to keep the tradition of lifting the kids up to put the angel on the tree! LOL -- Michael is taller than me now so here's Daddy lifting Michael up to put the angel on the tree:

I'm making a Christmas tree skirt for my tree but I had to stop because I ran out of white yarn so I went back to working on a blanket I'm working on for Michael. I had a bunch of squares I am determined to use and get out of a basket in my foyer. A bunch of ugly squares! They don't look half bad once they are in the blanket!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I turned 38 Yesterday


Yesterday was my 38th birthday.

Alison baked me a surprise birthday cake and decorated herself. She kept it a surprise by going over to my neighbors house to borrow her oven.

Apparently, the kids had sent my husband shopping for them on his way home from work on Wednesday to get the ingredients and to pick up their presents they had picked out for me.

Alison bought this Christmas cup and plate for me with her own money from the dollar store.

Michael bought me this rooster plate. Someday, I say I'm going to do my kitchen in these colors.

I like both of my presents and my cake was delicious too!

We spent the rest of the WHOLE day shopping. Mostly at the mall. We knocked out some of our Christmas shopping for the kids I prefer to get my shopping done before Thanksgiving so I don't have to fight the crowds.

We had the pleasure of babysitting for my niece on Monday this week! Alison thouroughly enjoyed herself getting to play with him. He's a easy going kid! So sweet and cute!

My good friend, Stephanie, came by Wednesday night late to deliver my birthday present and card. I was already in my night gown so that's why I look for worn out in the picture. She had bought me a very pretty pair of earrings. Stephanie is always so thoughtful and sweet!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I love to read quotes by Thomas Jefferson


Thomas Jefferson quotes are so interesting to read. My son loves Thomas Jefferson and many times uses his quotes for his handwriting/copywork practice from a book of Jefferson quotes we picked up while in Washington DC.

It sounds as if Thomas Jefferson is living in 2008 instead of 1800's

When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.
Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.
Thomas Jefferson

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
Thomas Jefferson

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
Thomas Jefferson

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
Thomas Jefferson

In light of the present financial crisis, it's interesting to read what Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:

'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy


I'm staying busy with the usual routine of homeschooling, visiting my mom in the assisted living, Alison's dance, etc. All I have to show crochet-wise is these snowflakes ~

I've made a few others but they are on the starching board right now. I plan on putting these on a wreath.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Please watch important video about tainted candy


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Passing on a great deal!


lowpricesubs : Search Results

This was originally posted over at Crochetville forum. I just ordered a year subscription to Crochet World AND Crochet! Magazine for $13.60! You can use the coupon code HOLIDAY and get an additional 20% off the already low price. Hope it works out!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Progress on Pineapple Dress to go with Blanket


I don't like this...I'm just not satified with the way its looking so far and I have been tempted to stop and rip it out several times. I'm just not sure I'm going to feel good enough about this dress to gie it as a baby gift. I'm no where near finished yet! The blanket I was thrilled with but this...ugh. I think I'm going to try to press on with it and hopefully it will get better. There is a whole separate slip to crochet to go underneath this dress that will be green.

Alison is asking me to make her an afghan. She wants a heavy afghan with a solid stitch. Sounds like a boring project to me!! I'm going to be deciding on a pattern soon. I'm thinking of maybe a ripple afghan.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Can this be real?

0 comments � ‘Howard Stern Show’ Quizzes Obama Supporters in Harlem on Candidate Policies
This is so unbelievable to me.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yay! Finished the baby blanket


I have a few ends left to weave in but otherwise I'm done with it. I LOVE this blanket! I hope my friend will like it as much as I do. I definately will be using this pattern again in the future.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Baby Set Progress


Well, its been a busy week but I've managed to get some crocheting in every night.

Here's the progress so far on the next baby blanket gift I've started. It's a great pattern by Annie Potter from a pattern book called Pineapple Princess Baby Set. I've never made one of her patterns before but I'm sold after this one. I thought it might be a little difficult but its a superbly written pattern. I might even have the confidence to attempt the dress that goes with this dress!

Alison dressed her beautiful doll in the baby set I just finished. This doll is a German Gotz doll with real human hair that she got for Christmas last year. She takes this doll with us and every time we go out with her, we have people think she is a real baby.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Baby Bib Completed


I've used this free pattern for bibs many times but I'm particulary pleased with the way this one turned out mainly because of the colors. I've mainly done them in varigated cotton before. I plan on making at least one more of these. This is the beginning of the next baby gift I'm making for another baby girl.

Got a SUPER DUPER bargain today at Hobby Lobby!


I was so excited because they never seem to have their yarn marked down very low even when its on clearance but today I got a whole load of yarn for 59 Cents each! I'm planning on trying to head down to a different Hobby Lobby when I can find time this week to see they have any. I have NO IDEA where I'm going to store all this yarn! A lot of this is the bulkier, soft Yarn Bee brand yarns that are normally $5-$6 a ball. I guess I'm going to have to make some hat/scarf sets. I'm not sure what much else you can use this bulky yarn for? Ideas welcomed.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Baby Set Completed


I made this for my neighbor who's having a little girl in December. I've got to get busy starting on another set for another friend who's having a baby girl as well in February. Tonight I got started on a a tried and true bib pattern I've made before. Pretty much finished but have about another round of trim to go on it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Finished Alison's Rag Rug


Here's the finished product. Boy, I haven't crocheted her something she liked this much in awhile! She's so excited about her rug!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Too busy these days


So much going on these days, I haven't been very good at keeping up with my blog. We started school. I visit my mom. Then Hurricane Ike hit. We left town and were gone for a week while power was out at our house. Things are still not quite back to normal in my area. I still know people that are without power and it takes a little longer to get places with traffic lights out. Our area wasn't one of the harder hit ones but there were still crushed cars and houses. We came out okay with most of our
fences down, minor roof damage...mainly just LOTS of big limbs and debris from trees. Our neighbors had mostly cleaned up our front yard by the time we got back. The back fence was completely down but the neighbor had already had it propped back up. The bad news is our deductible on our insurance is probably too high to worry about claiming it so that's 3 sides of fence expense we didn't count on...Oh well, so life goes.

Alison got a bunny rabbit from the neighbors who were looking for a home for it. Just what we needed, huh? LOL

I learned to knit while I was on "hurrication" from an old friend I got to visit because wouldn't you believe I didn't bring my yarn or crochet with me??? Crazy...
Well, I don't think I'm going to be a knitter though.

Alison and her daddy went on a daddy/daughter date this week.

Here's a baby blanket I just finished tonight for a friend who is having a baby. I have 2 pregnant friends right now so I'm working on gifts for them.

This first picture is before it was finished

This 2nd picture is the finished blanket.

Also, here is an incomplete rag rug but that's as far as I'm going to get on it until I find something else "hot pink" to cut up to finish it! It's for Alison.

Hopefully, things will be getting back to normal soon.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Back from camping


We're back from our over a week long RV camping trip. We spent the first two nights at McKinney Falls and the next week at Garner State Park. We had a hugely great time! The river was down at Garner but that park is good no matter what the weather. We were busy on the river swimming, floating, tubing, fishing, or hiking our every waking hour. The kids swung from the ropes into the river. The worse part of the trip was the rudeness of the other campers. This is our first trip to Garner while school was out. We usually go after school starts to avoid the crowds. We couldn't do that this year though because this was Michael's birthday trip and he invited one of his friends. He had to be back to start school today. People and kids don't seem to have any manners anymore. Of course, we met some very nice people too but its always so sad to see the disrespect of people these days. The beautiful river was strewn with trash from the busy weekend before we got there. People walked through our campsite all week long when they could have taken a few steps another direction to avoid it. People actually used our picnic table pad site as a walkway...I thought about putting out a bowl of chips for everyone as they passed by. Even my kids were shocked...probably because we've always taught them its rude to walk through peoples campsites. The last two days our new neighbors moved in and the mother did not watch her kid at all. Her son was in our campsite more than he was in theirs and she was no where to be found. He couldn't have been more than 4 years old. He was over picking up all of our stuff and asking us questions constantly. He picks us my husbands ax...I'm having to tell him "Don't touch that...Don't touch that...." I kept telling him he needed to go back to his campsite but he would be right back. Where is this kid's mother?? Every now and then we would see her come out and see him wandering around our campsite and she would just go about her business like...oh, good someone is watching him! Geez.... Oh, and the Torres and Reyes family made me proud of Houston...they left their mark on the mountain with their Sharpie markers....apparenly just a few days before we got there! So anyway, despite it all, we had a great time but there was no phone service there so I wasn't able to call my mother in the assisted living. I went to see her yesterday and boy, was she glad to see me. There was some trouble with her not eating while I was gone. Two different neighbors of mine went to see her while I was gone. We are very close with 3 of our neighbors...almost like family to us. And I got some really great news when I got back...My neighbor, Stephanie, got hired as a housekeep at the assisted living while we were gone!!! I had recommened her to them because their housekeeping stinks. It's going to be great because she can keep an eye on my mom while she's there and my mother loves her. My prediction is that the residents are going to love Stephanie so much that they are going to want to send her for training to be an aide and they couldn't pick a better person for that job.

Now here are some pictures from our trip:

A View from our campsite

Those are my kids in that tree getting ready to jump

Some really big trees

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