Tuesday, April 08, 2008
What IS this creepy bug?
Last week there was one of these little critters in my kitchen. Today, I found one in the clothes basket in the garage and another one in the kitchen! After seeing the 3rd one, I decided I need to figure out what these things are! I've never seen one before! I have looked and looked on the internet and I still can't identify it! If anyone knows what this is, please let me know! I'll try to get better pictures if I can. The round blue dot is a pin we stuck in him. Yuck!!!
(Click on the picture to get a closer look!)
12:13 AM
I'd be checking into what they are too. Several years ago we had a worm infestation of some sort. Hubby would leave the porch light on and they would come onto the porch during the night. Apparently, they were getting warm because they were some kind of a moth worm. They bury themselves in the grass and eat the roots. Yes, the grass was quickly dying off too. It was a city wide thing. Everyone had them. We had some company come and spray our yard and poof, they were gone. It was really strange though.
Good luck on getting rid of your new critters!
6:59 PM
It's called a mole cricket and they are very destructive to your lawn. We have them here in Florida and although they live underground in lawns they are also attracted to light. I would suggest that you treat your lawn as quickly as possible to avoid an infestation. Good luck!