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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Moving Day


Well, it seems like I can only get the internet to work here in the park in the mornings. I'll hurry and get this post in while I'm drinking my coffee before it knocks me off and disappears. Today we are supposed to be moving the RV to our new home! I don't know if I'll be able to get internet anywhere there at first. We plan on getting our own installed but that might take a little while. I might be able to get online at their barn but I won't know until I get there. Otherwise, in the meantime I'll probably start bringing my computer to Alison's dance with me and go to the library to get online.

Well, Jeff drove to Laredo yesterday for his job interview and the hiring manager ended up not "making it" to Laredo so Jeff didn't have his interview!! He sent Jeff to the job site and he talked to some of the other service techs. Sound like he's going to be traveling a bit during the week but the pays decent and he'll have a service vehicle. he still is going to have to fly to Houston for an interview! Sounds like the job is pretty much a sure thing but it sure would be nice to get this all settled!

I hope this whole situation works out at the ranch, I had two people yesterday tell me in town how hard these people are to work for....but they have been overly nice to us and soooo happy we're coming and haven't seemed that way at all so I'm keeping an open mind and giving them the benefit of the doubt. I'm hoping that they just have run across the right people for the job so far. So far, I haven't heard anything unreasonable that they are expecting for us to do. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what people are talking about but I guess we won't know until we get there. The perk of living in the house means more to us than it does to a lot of people and after what we did this summer, working 10-12 hour days at the stables, 7 days a week and then coming home every night and putting in several more hours in the park wasn't easy. Seems like there was no rest. As much as we love the park, it's why we would have rather not had to park host during the summer while we were working at the stables. Working at the stables is a joy but by the end of the summer, everyone was pretty worn out trying to keep up with both jobs. Most people that park host are retired and don't have a full time job in addition. This seems like a piece of cake compared to we'll just have to try it. We can always come back to the park if it doesn't work out. I'll miss everyone around here in a way! The park employees, rangers, and police and fellow park hosts are all such great people we've enjoyed our time with. Exciting and a little sad at the same time. One thing I've learned through all this is that there is good in everything no matter how hard it seems at the time. I heard the country song yesterday that had the lyrics..."You're gonna miss're gonna want this back...You're gonna miss this...wish it hadn't gone by so fast." Through the past years of hardship, we have been amazingly blessed with experiences we would have never had otherwise so I'm thankful for all of it.

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