I managed to get someone to take our picture while we on our float. I should have taken a picture of it before we left but things were so chaotic, I didn't get it done.

Alison lined up to go out with the parade.

Waiting to come in the rodeo arena...

Alison and Morgan....I love these kids....

Well, I know Alison had the time of her life this weekend but I'm glad it's behind us! The parade went well today. It was a lot of fun! We had a flat bed trailer that we decorated and we had 3 baby goats and a sheep sitting with us on the trailer. My goat, Buster, is the sweetest goat I have ever seen. He literally just sat there on my lap like a dog the entire time. Michael walked Danny Boy, our Welsh Pony, and Morgan walked Little Boy, our miniature horse, behind the trailer and Serenity rode Dumpling. Alison rode Princess in the front as the Rodeo Queen and then circled back and got in the back behind our Stables float so she got to the ride in the parade two times.
The rodeo was just plain fun for her. There was only one other girl entered into the youth barrel racing tonight and she was pretty good so Alison placed after her. We weren't going to enter but then Alison decided to when we found out there was only one entry. She was guaranteed to win at least some money since there was only two of them in the Youth Barrel Racing. She placed behind the other girl and got $23. Well, at least it was fun and she's got guts to do it being so new to all of this. I'm proud of her. The rest of the rodeo was just fun riding around everywhere, here and there. We brought a horse for Morgan to ride and they ran around on horses all night.
During the day on Saturday the town was all a buzz with booths set up with food and crafts. Michael set up a leather working table and has himself about $250 worth of orders to fill. People really love his leather work and he now has 3 stores in town that want to carry his stuff. Hmmmm...he keeps all of this mostly to himself but I really need to get some pictures of some of his latest works. His belts, cell phone cases and wallets are very popular. He took an order for a cell phone case at the rodeo and made it and gave it to him before we left! He pretty much carries his leather everywhere with him.
I slept in a little this morning because we have the day off to rest today. So here I am drinking my coffee and letting the kids sleep as late as they want today. My goal is to get my bathroom cleaned today. There is so much dust in there, I can't take it much longer.
Here's a video of Alison's Rodeo Queen Introduction...