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Sunday, September 29, 2013

A couple more hats & other stuff


Well, we had a pretty good weekend. Friday night I took Alison and Phoebe to go bowling with the homeschool group. Not many people showed up but they got in a couple hours of bowling and then we had dinner with another family from the group. I dropped Alison and Phoebe off at the church at about 9:30 where they were going to stay with Jeff for the high school football game after party that our church was hosting. Jeff was there as an adult supervisor. It was late night for them. I went grocery shopping and then went home.

Saturday, I worked on my sister's afghan.

I'm still busy at it today. I only have a handful of flowers left to crochet but the most time consuming part is sewing them on. I should be done in a day or two though! I'll post a picture of the whole afghan in all it's glory then.

Here is my latest hats....

My reindeer antler don't stand up though! I should have used a stiffer yarn. I'm going to have to see if I can get some kind of wire in there to make them stand up!

Last but not least....Alison asked her brother to go riding with her today. Here's my two awesome children that I love so much....

I'm still busily crocheting!


I have a couple more hat projects to post pictures of but I'm on a deadline to finish my sister's afghan this week so I've been working on that a lot. I'll try to get a picture of it this afternoon! I'm finishing up with sewing on flowers! It's very pretty and dainty looking!. I believe I have 10 or so more flowers to make and sew on. Then I just have to finish the rest of the end weaving and I'm done!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Monkey Head Wrap


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Finally took some long overdue pictures!


I am making these with hopes of selling them. I sold the Minion hat at homeschool co-op today for $20. I'm going to get started on another one of those.

The sock monkey is a free pattern you can find online here:

Crochet in Color: Just Another Sock Monkey Hat Pattern

The Minion Hat is a free download on Ravelry here:

Ravelry: Yellow Man (inspired by Dispicable Me Minion) pattern by Ashley Phelps

A Raccoon Scarf! I love him!

Here is my Gingerbread Man Scarf!

This is a free pattern you can find here:

~ Dly's Hooks and Yarns ~: ~ child's gingerbread boy scarf ~

I love her blog! I like her wiggly crochet projects she has on there.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Gosh, I've been a very bad blogger


I've was fighting feeling really lonely and depressed for a while but I'm feeling a little better now that school has started and we are doing more. I'm trying to take advantage of every opportunity. We had our first homeschool Co-op meeting of the year this past week. I'm excited about that this year because it's like going to school for a day and there are some high school age kids in the group this year. We have a geography, writing, and science class. Alison is extremely stressed and would love to drop the geography class because she has to do a report and do an oral presentation in from of the class. She is extremely shy and is having a lot of anxiety about this. We went on a hospital tour field trip yesterday with the homeschool group. It was a great! We went and saw the radiology department, the lab and physical therapy. They gave the kids career packs and talked to them about what was necessary to get into each field.

Today we are working at the stables. We haven't worked in a long time so I'm happy to do it. I need the money badly.

We had a crisis this week with our dogs! On Sunday, Baby and Man ran off and we haven't seen them since. Alison has been so upset about losing Baby. She has gotten really attached to that little dog in the short time we've had her. We put up signs all over the neighborhood and I posted it in an local online facebook page. We've had a few leads but it's been 4 days so I was beginning to think they were gone forever. Well, yesterday we went by some cabins on a tip that someone had seen them there on Monday. Well, lo and behold --- they said our dogs are in Eagle Pass with some lady! We're getting the dogs back on Sunday! I hate to say it, but after this....I'm putting Man up for adoption. He's a another dog we took in and he's a great dog but he's the one that took Baby off with him. Even my old blind and deaf dog has been doing so much better without him here. We have enough dogs and he just doesn't fit in with the rest of the crew. I have to find another home for him. He's just way to high energy and upsets the rest of the crew around here.

I've been crocheting a lot. I have a lot of things to take pictures of. I've been working on making some stuff that I am hoping I can sell. I sold a sock monkey hat for $25 so I made 2 more of those. I've also been working on weaving in the ends on my sister's afghan. I take it to dance with me and weave away while I am there. I'll try to get some pictures taken this week!

Buttons to take if you'd like to link to my blog








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