$10 Doily Haul
Labels: doilies 0 commentsI bought a very large bag of doilies yesterday in Frederickburg for $10! I was going to take pictures of all of them but there's too many! These are not even the prettiest ones but it's as far as I got on the pictures before I realized I couldn't take individual pictures of them all.
These first three are huge!
This is part of a big stack I still have to go through...I can't take pictures of all of these. So far I've looked at 50 doilies. There must be several hundred here. I'll get them all counted. There are also several large runner doilies in there. I'm amazed.

The pictures don't do justice. I appreciate the work and effort put into these. Some look very old and most look hand made. I even recognize some because I've seen the crochet patterns before. Some I recognize that they are not made by hand...at least 2 of them. Now I have to figure out how to clean them. Several are very pretty but have stains. Can doilies be ironed? I'll have to look into it...if not, they will have to blocked. They have all been just stuffed in a bag.
Baby Booties
Labels: baby crochet 0 commentsI've had these booties made for weeks now but just now got a picture taken of them.
I've finished my Exquisite Blanket. Need to get those tails weaved in still!
I'm wondering if my blog is showing property to everyone else? The whole right side bar isn't showing for me. I am having trouble with my computer and my internet data is out so anything is loading painfully slow. Just wondering if it's a problem on my end or if something got screwed up.
Alison and I had a great day shopping in San Antonio yesterday! We went to Hobby Lobby. I was a bit disappointed....the store we went to was not well stocked with yarn. They had the colors but very few skeins of each. You know that when you are making blankets, you need more skeins of the same dye lot. I got some of what I needed but I had to jot down the colors I am missing so I can send my husband to pick up what they didn't have enough of. Now I know better than to visit that particular store again.
This is what I got that will get me started on the the Blossom Blanket & The Pineapple Princess
I got the sparkly pink and green for the flowers on this afghan. Still have to get more white for this but I'm going to make it a lot smaller.
Click Here for Pattern Link: Hospitality Garden

I'll still have to get more skeins of white before I can start that though...
Guess I'll start unraveling the last row on my Esquisite afghan. I messed up and have to redo the last round.