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Saturday, December 16, 2023

My First Craft Market was a success!!


I took my crochet wares to my first craft market day today!  

I'm not gonna lie I was apprehensive and a little nervous.  But I was determined that I am going to stretch myself and force myself to go through with this.  Doesn't cost me a thing.  Gotta at least try it and see what happens.  If it's bad then I never have to do it again.  It is a free farmers/craft market every 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month in a neighboring small town to mine.  Everyone sets up around the court house.  Starts at 9 am so I arrived at 8 thinking this was plenty of time.  Shouldn't take me long to set up because I basically already had things in baskets, etc where they were gonna be.  I was shocked when I drove up and saw how crowded it was.  Well, I guess I'm gonna sneak in here on the the back side but that's okay with me.  I'm a blend in kinda girl.  

I set up and immediately struck up conversation with the lady setting up next to me.  She said it was her first time too.  Boy and I glad I parked back there next to her because I just loved her!  I think I got a friend!  She said she had a hard time coming to and wanted to turn around and go back home!  😊  Another lady I met at the post office last week stopped by my booth and then later brought another lady to introduce me to that is going to be my rabbit lady.  (Yes, I said rabbit lady. I'm sure I'll post more about the rabbits later)  Anyway, everyone was so nice and it was a very pleasant day in that regard. I was nervous because I forgot to bring change.  I just decided to risk and hope for small bills or Venmo.  And that's exactly what happened.  I was paid with small bills and ended up having no issues with making change.  My new friend said she would be able to help if I ran into a problem.  Didn't need the Venmo at all.  

I sold my first 3 items within the first hour before it had officially even started.  I was a little surprised.  People loved my stuff even when they didn't buy.   Anyway, it lasted until 1:00 pm.  By the end of the day I had made $175 in sales!  I sold 3 hats, 3 pairs of fingerless gloves, 2 stuffed chickens, ear warmers, and 1 chicken ornament, a pan handler and a pair of boot cuffs. 

I had higher hopes for my egg gathering aprons and they did get a lot of attention but the price point is too high.  So at least I know I don't have to have more than one or two of those displayed.  I can't sell those for less.  It takes me 9 hours to make an apron.

But here are the things I learned:

People will not dig in tubs or bins or even look through the ornaments stacked on the hanger.  Every thing has to be openly displayed and be able to be scanned visually.  People will scan your booth and if something doesn't draw them in visually, they won't even stop.  

I need to work on how to display my items like hats and blankets better.  I sold a several items immediately after I moved them to a more visible place.

Items in the $25 and under price points sell the best.  I need to focus on making things I can make for $20 or less for my next time.  

I plan on making a lot more fingerless gloves and some wine bottle bags for the next one.  No more Christmas stuff time will be in January.  I'll probably keep going through the winter at least.  Crochet stuff sells better in the fall and winter.  Summer items will be more of a challenge.  Let me know if you have any ideas!  

Things to bring next time:

Better Price Signs Printed on Card Stock

Blocks to even up table if necessary. 

Better Table Cloths

Change and Printed Venmo Sign

A Chair to sit in!!

At least 3 tables, maybe 4 

In summery, it was a very good day and I had fun!  I met lots of nice people.  

When it was time to leave my car wouldn't start!  My vendor lady friend's husband came and gave me a jump start.

What next?

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