Yarn finds...
0 commentsI went to an estate sale on Saturday and was hoping to get some good yarn but was sadly dissapointed. The guy said it was a quilt/craft store of his deceased mother. What he really meant was she had collected enough stuff to have her own store! Most of what was left was pretty dirty and smelly from being stored for so long. I did get some of it that wasn't as bad. I got some nice ribbon yarn and one of those little knitting stand baskets. I'm going to work on re-balling some of it and trying to clean it. I just hope that when i use it, I can then wash the finished item and it will be fine. The yarn was probably fine yarn in its day! Too bad so much of it went to waste! I left the yarn that had been "eaten" by something!
We all went over to a lady's house to pick up a cone of free yarn on my freecycle list. She was a really neat lady and we ended up staying and visiting for quite awhile. She is really crafty and wants to teach me to sew! I got all kinds of neat ideas from her while I was over there. Turns out we are both on the same yahoo freeform list, too! She gave me several cones of other yarns and some other remants.
Alison's experimental granny sweater finished
Labels: clothing crochet 2 commentsI finished Alison's granny sweater yesterday. This was a spur of the moment thing I did on my own just following one of her sweat shirts as a guide. Just wanted to see how it would turn out. Now I can make others using prettier squares and other stitches. It's a little wide (like a loose sweatshirt) but otherwise it fits good.
Granny Sweater
It looks like one sleeve is longer than the other in this picture but it's really not. It's just the way its on the hanger.
Granny Sweater front
Granny sweater back
Posted in clothing crochet
Ebay ponderings
2 commentsI have a question....why do people bid on things at Ebay so early in the bidding???!!!!??? It just drives the price up! I am not going to have a price war with someone on there 5 days before the auction is over! I, for the life of me, cannot figure out why people haven't figured that out!!!
Labels: Misc 1 commentsWell, my husband put the crochet cover I made for the foot stool on it tonight. Here is a picture of it. I'm going to make sides for it too but I might not get to that right away!
Crochet Foot Stool Cover
I started making this ugly sweater late last night out of some extra granny squares I had laying around. I am making this up using one of Alison's sweatshirts for a guide. I kinda want to see how this fits on Alison once it is finished...if it turned out well then the sky is the limit! I'm going to make a paper pattern of it and then go to town doing some with other stitches, not necessarily granny squares. This one will definately have a "retro" look to it!
ugly sweater
Just for grins, I'll throw in a few pictures of the kids partying down this weekend at our house!
Posted in Misc
Nothing much to post...
1 commentsI haven't posted for several days because we had a real busy weekend. I was babysitting for the woman from New Orleans that stayed with us for a couple of weeks. I had her 15 month old baby, her 5 year old son and her 13 year old girl... plus Alison had two friends spend the night on Saturday so it was a house-full! No big deal, really, except for feeding that many! I rarely do much cooking on the weekends so we ate Taco Bell and ordered pizza. Saturday night we made a fire in our fire pit in the back yard and the kids roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. They danced to the radio and pretty much had an all out party! Alison seems to have come down with a little bit of a cold so she's been kinda whiney and needy today. We had to make a trip to Wal-mart tonight to get some warm-ups because our weather got pretty chilly. I couldn't find my warm ups from last year that I packed up in the attic. Alot of my other clothes are too tight because I've put on too much weight lately. Anyway.... boring stuff here!
I was sidetracked with my crocheting for a week working on the free form peice. I finally got disgusted with it and put it away. I think it stinks! Now, I am having a hard time deciding what I want to make. I started on another pair of hexagon boot slippers to give to Evelyn (the 13 year old that was here this weekend) By the way, I taught her to crochet this weekend and sent her home with a needle and some yarn! She was doing pretty good on making a square when she left! I started experimenting with trying to come up with a sweater for Alison made out of some extra granny squares I have. I did finish the foot stool cover but I still need to fasten it to the stool. I take some pictures of that when I get it done. I'm sorta thinking about making some things out of cotton for myself...maybe a few towel toppers....I don't know...like I said, I'm kinda in a funk right now trying to figure out what to start on. Hopefully, I'll get back in the groove soon!
My free form - 1st stage of metamorphosis
Labels: Michael's Projects, Misc 0 comments
1st Free form 2nd metamorphosis
Which way does it go? I don't know but in the 3rd view it looks like a TURKEY to me! LOL!
Michael's stitche bean bag
This is a little bean bag my 12 year old son made out of a sock today. I thought he did a really good job with his little embroidery type stitching on it!
Posted in Michael's Projects, Misc
Hurry! Print these patterns before October 31!
0 commentsAmigurumi Animal Pattern
These patterns are available free until October 31. After that, they will only be for sale!
Tutorial on how to unravel a sweater
0 commentsHere is a link with instructions on how to unravel a sweater. I've heard of people buying things at thrift stores and stuff to recycle the yarn. It would have to be some awesome yarn for me to do this! I really hate to frog, but just in case!
What I have been working on....
Labels: Misc 2 commentsWell, I got this foot stool that was pretty ugly. It opens up and you can put stuff inside it. I decide to try to come up with some kind of cover for it. I'm not finished with it yet but almost! The cover will be secured under the lid all the way around. I have a few more rounds to go on it. I ran out of the tan yarn I was using so I'm going to have to finishe it off in one of the other colors. My husband says I need to crochet something for the sides, too....I think it looks much better even with just the lid cover!
foot stool cover
Something came over me and I decided to try my hand at "freeform" crochet. Not the greatest...but I think I can make it better as I go along on this. I have no idea what this is going to be...I'll come up with something as I progress, I'm sure.
Anyway...this is my very first "scrumble"!
1st freeform Scrumble
Just in case you are like me and are asking..."What the heck is a scrumble?!"
Here a good demo about it freeform crochet and knitting demo
Posted in Misc
1 year crochet anniversary
2 comments I have officially been crocheting for 1 year this month!
So how do you like my new "smilies"?
Pretty cute little guys aren't they? You can get them here: Smileys
No, these are not MY hairy legs!
Labels: slipper crochet 0 commentsMy husband is modeling these slippers....he might have decided to adopt these! This is the same pattern I used for my son's slippers that I posted a few days ago. I made this pair with Caron Simply Soft yarn so they would be softer.
Hexagon Boot Slippers
We hung around the house Today. Jeff washed, waxed and vacumed his truck and then we cleaned out the garage today. Alison has one of her friends over to spend the night. Here are a few more pictures I took today...
Jeff and Michael horsing around
Alison & Hannah
This is Alison and her best friend, Hannah. Can you believe they are the same age? Hannah is so tiny!
Michael is playing with his homemade bow and arrow...he's always coming up with something to make!!
I have to throw this picture in there ...I had posted about us having a blow out on our camper tire while I was driving a LONg ways back but I had never gotten the picture posted of our rim! I think this rim speaks for itself! No, I didn't drive on it...I pulled over right away!
Camper tire rim
Posted in slipper crochet
What is the stinking deal????
0 commentsI posted my pictures the other day and then next day they were gone...nothing but little "x's"....So I went and re-added them all again today and they turned up again fine! Now there are gone again!!!! ARGH!!!
My computer is back but they formatted my hard drive so I've been trying to get all of my stuff back on my computer. I've also been trying to transfer a bunch of my pictures onto CD's. All of this is giving me a headache!
I also re-did my blogroll...I want to actually use my blogroll list to check out other people's blogs every few days but there were so many of them that I got tired of clicking on because they never update. No offense to anyone...I just get bored easily. If you have a crochet blog that you update regularly, tell me about it if I don't already have you linked. I like to read regularly updated blogs!
Crochet FO's
Labels: baby crochet, slipper crochet, stuffed animals 1 comments

Click here for pattern: Hexagon Boot Slippers

Star Afghan

Click here for pattern: Beth's Little Star Afghan


Panda & Bunny

Stuffed Bunny and Panda. I actually made the Panda a long time ago. He was my first stuffed toy. I've improved alot since then! I made the bunny last week!
Posted in baby crochet, slipper crochet, stuffed animals
Picture train is coming your way!!!
0 commentsGuess what! My computer is back in service! Well...I'm still working on trying to get a bunch of my stuff restored but in general...I'm back in business! Yee-Haw!! Here are some squares I had done way back, or so it seems, that I had never gotten onto my computer. Hmmm...seeing these sorda makes me want to get back to work on my king size afghan again!
Here is what we were doing when we evacuated for Hurricane Rita. As you might recall from earlier posts, Rhonda, Evelyn, Bronson and Little Miracle from New Orleans were with us. They had never been camping before so we decided to make the best of it and had a good time camping far away from the storm!
Rhonda and Little Miracle
Rhonda and Little Miracle
The kids were digging up clay from the bottom of the lake and making their own creations with it...
Playing with the clay
Alison and Evelyn
Alison and Evelyin
Why I love Texas...
pretty scenery