Well, it's really amazing that this little baby goat is still alive. She just keeps fighting to live. She is an amazing little girl. We are on our last resort of treatment for her right now. After a lot of reading and all the other things we have tried, we believe she has goat polio, which is a Vitamine B1 deficiency, and talked to the vet. He agreed it sounds like it could be. We couldn't afford a vet visit and we were thankful that they didn't ask to see her but we were able to buy the thiamine that she would need from them with a prescription. It was extremely inexpensive -- only $3! She had her 2nd dose today and she has shown two signs of improvement. He said to watch her today/tonight and if she shows more improvement, we can come get some more thiamine injections for her tomorrow. This little kid goat has been taking up a whole lot of my time.
Jeff worked at the ranch that he got the baby goat at again on Monday. He comes home and says he thinks he lost his cell phone while they were out on the guys little ranch vehicle. We drove back out there on Tuesday. And it is WAY OUT THERE and VERY REMOTE. We took the car instead of Jeff's truck to save on gas and we are luck our car is still in one piece after some of the bad spots on the road. Some of the spots were so rocky and bad that the kids and I got out of the car a walked so the car wouldn't be as weighed down and hit something underneath on a rock. The rode on the trunk most of the time because there were three gates to open and close on the way out there. Once we got out there, we spent hours walking back over all of the trails that they had drove on. Of course, on the very last trail that we hiked...we found it! My legs are sore today from doing all that walking!

I had gotten very behind on laundry because of the baby goat. Yesterday, I went over to a friend's house who said I could come over and wash laundry there anytime. It took me all day but I was thankful to get caught up without it costing me a fortune. I had extra laundry because of the baby goat as well. I may start going over there once a week to do a load to save some money on the laundry bill since Jeff is barely working.
Alison started feeling real bad yesterday. She spent most of the day in bed as well as today. Now, I've been having to take care of two babies! (Alison and the goat) My throat started getting soar on one side yesterday. It woke me up in the night last night. I've started my Vitamin C/Oregano regimen and taking Ibuprophen which eases it a lot. Other than that, I don't really feel sick.
Something else that I am amazed and exited about~ the friend that I was visiting and doing laundry was making yogurt. Now, I have made yogurt before but I have never heard of such as easy way or the method she was using. She had live cultures that looked like little tiny sponges in a glass jar. She didn't know what they were called in English. She said her friend gets them from Columbia. Your pour milk in the glass jar with these little sponges and in leave it. You will have yogurt in about 8 hours! Then you strain them out and rinse them real good and keep using them over and over again! They will continue to grow and multiply if you continue to make yogurt. I have done searches on the internet and I can't find anything anywhere about these or what they might be. Anyway, she is going to give me some of them. I didn't get them yet because I need to get an appropriate glass container and a strainer before I get them from her.
Now, I'm trying to get my brain around planning something for Alison's birthday on Tuesday!
Here is a picture of a hat I never got posted. I've had this done. I haven't had time to work on anyting for awhile now.