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Monday, March 19, 2012

End of a an exhausting week!


All I can say is WOW...what a week! We got a lot more business than I was expecting. Every single day was busier than the average day of the summers since we've been working the trail rides at the stables. Saturday, we had 64 riders. I was running ragged with people crawling out of the woodwork and calling. I had to turn away so many people. If we had more trail horses, we could have done even better. It's great to have a good week but it left me with very little energy when the day was done. One of my biggest problems this week was finding the time to eat. I'm so tired when I get home, I'm trying to get us something to eat for dinner and try to figure out something to bring for the next day...throw a load of laundry in and go to bed. Most nights Jeff got home before us and fed the horses here at our house. Thank God, Michael was scooping the stalls in the mornings before we left. I'm just left wondering how I'm going to have the energy to do both jobs this summer. I guess if there's one thing I've learned through the past 2 years is that you can do more than you think you can! I guess we'll just take it one day at a time. I hope these hours we will be keeping during the summer will be acceptable to the people where we live and work.

I'm so proud of Alison. She's 15 years old and handling a lot of responsibility by doing these rides. She's doing it in such a responsible way and got a good taste of what it's like to be an "adult" this week. The other kids up there help when they wanted but spent the rest of the days playing and having fun. She loaded hundreds of people on the trail rides this week single handedly....meaning, she lined up the horses and decided which rider to put on which horse, then rode on a horse for probably over 60 hours this week. I know she was pretty tired by the end of the week. They hired another wrangler that she's working with but he's still learning the horse order, personality, saddles, etc so he mainly pulled the horses, helped saddle and rode on the rides to be the "adult" there in case there's some kind of emergency or something goes really wrong. Everything went very well all week though.

This morning, I slept in until 7:30! Felt good and I feel rested today. I've been catching up on all the laundry and trying to pull this place together a little bit. We've been running in and out so fast, things were a mess. We made a trip to town to buy feed, go to the library and post office.

I had no time to take pictures this week....this is the only picture I managed to get taken.

It's "Wishes" with a tarp on his head. Wishes is the goofy horse that bucked Jeff off. He's scared of everything. The new wrangler is a horse trainer and ferrier and he was working with Wishes to get him not scared of stuff. Next, we're bringing him some Tic-Tacs to desensitize Wishes to!

What next?

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