In my absence....this is what I've been doing!
Labels: horses, stables 0 commentsWe were excited to have my friend from high school and her step-daughter come for a visit on Wednesday! Mostly, what we did centered around the horses. On Wednesday, Alison saddled the horses and they rode in the arena. My friend has thought her step-daughter was going to be scared to ride the horses but what we planned on being a pony ride turned into her riding by herself in the arena. She did great and couldn't get enough of the horses while she was here.
The next day we went to the stables for an official "trail ride". I even went along and Mrs. Stables went with us as well. We had a nice long ride up on the high trail we don't normally use for tourists.
Off we go...
On the trail...Then, we went to the river and the girls swam for several hours.
Feeding the bottle babies....There are 26 baby goats at the stables right now! What is cuter than a baby goat?
At the river...From there, we went straight to Alison's ballet class. The end of day two and they were leaving the next day. The last day, Melissa and Alison went on a ride but came back soaking wet when it started pouring down on them! They left in the afternoon and then Mrs. Stables called to say her she was picking up her other grandson in San Antonio and he wanted the kids to swim with him at the river. I was tired but we went ahead and went to the river for the kids to get together. Yesterday, we worked at the stables. I won't go into details of that on my blog but came home feeling very upset....nothing to do with my job or the owner's. It's just some things I saw with the horses and the new guy. I was so upset I even had trouble going to sleep last night and I woke up thinking about it this morning. I'm emotionally invested in those horses now. I'll have to tell Mrs. Stables what I saw. We'll see what happens with that. The kids and I went to church this morning. Today is our day "off" here but I did go up and water the garden this morning. I definately need to get some pictures of the garden! We have stuff growing and we ate a radish and some arugula out of it while my friend was here! So cool to grow stuff!
Alison has decided she can jump on Magic and ride him with a piece of baling string when when she goes to catch him to ride.
She can ride him like this with just her legs and the string...he's such a great horse! The other thing she has taken up this week is running barrels. The first time Magic knocked the barrels over a few times and she got her shins all banged up!
Well, there is more I could post because Michael has finished some more leather stuff but I'm tired. This post is already pretty image heavy so I'll save that until tomorrow!
Have a good week!
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