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Sunday, April 01, 2007

We've been busy, busy, busy!


My husband must have caughter "spring fever" because he's been busy working on all kinds of projects around here! Halleluah!! LOL...He finished the deck for our above ground pool that he started last year. (2nd picture) I think it looks great and he did a super job! We re-did our front flower bed...moving stuff around, etc. We still have to add the pine bark mulch but we got rained out on that plan yesterday. Today, my hubby is cleaning the RV. We found a reasonable place to store it so he's cleaning it up before we take it over there later today. 4th pictures is the duck pen hubby made under the deck! (More on the ducks to come...) I've been repotting plants like crazy. We live walking distance to Home Depot and my son keeps bringing me trays of plants and flowers they are throwing away in the dumpster!! LOL....Yes, I've trained him well! MOST of the plants in the picture below are from the Home Depot dumpster....I'm about to have to start passing stuff on to neighbors....! Now, the precious little guys you see below are our little ducks we just got. We get them every year...this tradition was started by accident several years back. I was raised with my back gate opening into the Blanco State Park. As a child, the ducks would either nest in our yard or we would get the babies and keep them in our yard until they were big enough to survive without the cats, snakes, etc getting them. Then, when they were big enough, we'd open the gate and let them out. While visiting a few years ago in my old stomping grounds, we found two babies running around without their mama. I knew they probably wouldn't make it so we took them home with us and when they were big enough...we went back and released them again. They are still there in the park today! We had so much fun with those ducks that we've been buying them every year since then and then we take them to Blanco State Park and release them when they are big enough. They grow very, very quickly so its usually only have them about 2 months at the most. I know my pictures are a little screwy but since I haven't been able to use Hello to post pictures anymore...i haven't figured it out how to get them where I want them yet...quite frankly, I haven't had time! I have been crocheting but only have this 1st picture at the moment of a top I made for Alison. I used double strands of crochet thread on that. The picture isn't a good one and she's wearing black underneath it so you can't tell much about it. I've made two of these tops for her....I'm working on another top for her at the moment made with kitchen cotton yarn. Almost done! Then, I've also got some thread trim going at the moment to sew on a T-shirt....Will post pictures when I can get her to pose for me! This is the busy time of year for Alison's dance because they are preparing for their ballet exams. We have extra classes on Saturdays. Once that is past us, they'll start getting ready for the big ballet performance at the end up the year...This year they are performing The Lion, The Witch an the Wardrobe. Alison will be in two scenes this year since she is taking modern in addition to Ballet this year. Well, that's about it for now...gotta go help my husband!

What next?

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1 comments: to “ We've been busy, busy, busy!

  • 2:59 PM are getting alot done! Love the top you made...and such a pretty smile on the model!!

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