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Monday, August 28, 2006

Bad news :(


Well, I guess I spoke too soon....they only were able to get 1/3 of my stuff off of my computer before my hard drive completely konked on them. Such a bummer...anyway, i haven't even looked at the disks yet to see exactly what they got. Warranty is supposed to be sending us a box to pack my computer up in to mail off for repair.
Man, your don't realize what a part of your life your computer is until its gone, do you? This peice of junk I'm using right now is driving me nuts.

I've been really dragging today and having a hard time getting motivated to get stuff done. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Good News!!


Made a call to Circuit City today to check on the progress with restoring the files from my hard drive.....and they are able to get everything!!!!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I'm doing the happy dance!
They were working on the 28GB of documents in my "crochet" related folder!!! I think the guy was a little perplexed with that! LOL! I'm so happy about that and also that I won't lose all my photos. At least now I will have *everything* on CD's. I think it was almost worth the money just for not having to do all that cd burning myself! I will stay much more on top of backing up my files from now on. Now the verdict is still out on whether it will have to be sent in or not.

I've started on a scrap yarn afghan using all of my scrap yarn balls. Once I use up this I'll just keep adding onto this until its done. All those yarn balls were driving me nuts! Boy, I'm going to have a lot of pictures of completed projects to post when I get my computer back!

I've been working on getting my yarn stash all rewound with my yarn winder. I've only got about 4 more skeins to go and I will be through winding all of my Caron Simply Soft yarn. I Love that yarn! It's my favorite because its easily accessible and affordable for me and I don't have to sweat it if I run out in the middle of a project. I can always run down and get more because it has no dye lot. So far its worked out okay for me doing that, anyway. I always keep 2 skeins of every color of it in my stash. I just wish they had a better selection of colors in it at WalMart.

I need to build up my cotton yarn stash though. My colors selections are lacking in my stash of cotton.

I'm also working on a pineapple top pattern that I bought from Amazing Crochet
There is a picture of it at the site:
It's not the one with sleeves that I am making.

Well, hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, August 21, 2006

A note to my friends & family....


To all my friends and family, if you haven't received any email correspondence from me since my computer crash, please shoot me an email. I've lost all my email contacts and I'd like to get them saved to the other computer.

To Wendi & Christy,

I've been thinking about both of you a lot lately.

Christy, its been so long since we've talked, I keep thinking I need to call you but then the business of the day comes and in the next calm the shower or going to sleep is not the best time to call! I haven't forgotten about you!

Wendi, I haven't talked to you in a while either and I keep thinking about you and wondering how you are doing! I really miss you and love you!

Friday, August 18, 2006

My loss is your gain.... (SAVE TO COMPUTER #1)


Well, I'm having to figure out new ways of doing things while I don't have my lap top available to me. I am using an extra work lap top my husband has but i can't print from it, save anything on it or check my emails from it. HA! I found these links for crochet stitches that I normally would have saved on my computer for future reference. I will be putting my links here on my blog so I can go back and save them to my computer when I get it back. I'll be tagging all the posts with (SAVE TO COMPUTER) to make it easier for me to find them when I finally have my computer back!

My sister had asked me to make her a soap saver so I've been looking for new and interesting stitches to use. Here's some links for some stuff I came up with that interested me.

This first link is not a stitch pattern but for a cute little sundress pattern I thought was cute....
Caprice Dress

Checker Stitch

Fancy Shell Stitch

Interlocking Filet Stitch

Y Stitch

Waves Stitch

Static Stitch

Various Open Stitches

Slanted V's and Mitered Tyles

Saranac Stitch (reversible)

Loop Stitch Tutorial

Star Stitch

Triton Shell

Monday, August 14, 2006

Computer Virus Warnings


ADAM AND EVE VIRUS - Takes a couple of bytes out of your Apple.

Bill Clinton Virus v 1.0 - It has a six inch hard drive and no memory. Freezes entire system due to unresolved memory conflicts.

Bill Clinton Virus v 2.0 - It tells you it's executing any program you want, whether or not it's on your computer.

Bill Clinton Virus v 4.0 - Mutates from region to region and we're not exactly sure what it does.

Bill Clinton virus v 6.0 - Automatically connects to every URL in your Internet browser's list of bookmarks, then it tells you emphatically that your computer never made any any URL...because since it didn't transmit and receive simultaneously, it wasn't really connected.

Bureaucrat Virus - Divides your hard disk into hundreds of little units, each of which does practically nothing, but all of which claim to be the most important part of your computer.

CHILD VIRUS - It constantly does annoying things, but is too cute to get rid of.

Congressional Virus v 2.0 - Computer locks up, screen splits vertically with a message appearing on each half blaming the other side for the problem.

Congressional Virus v 3.0 - Overdraws your disk space.

Couch Potato Virus - Just sits there, eating chips all day.

DEMOCRAT VIRUS - Doesn't allow you to delete inefficient programs or wasted disc space - if you try, it accuses you of being a "mean-spirited extremist".

DIET VIRUS - Allows your hard drive to lose weight by eliminating the FAT table.

DISNEY VIRUS - Everything in the computer goes Goofy.

DOLLY PARTON VIRUS - It sounds pretty good, but you'd swear your monitor looks larger and have more knobs than it used to. DEFLATE.COM removes it.

Elvis Virus - Your computer gets fat, slow and lazy and then self-destructs, only to resurface at shopping malls and service stations across rural America.

Firestone Viruses - Causes mouse to explode after 10,000 miles. Flying toasters actually fly off your screen saver. Leaves chunks of its code all over the information highway.

George W. Bush virus v 1.0 - Doesn't do anything, but you can't get rid of it until November.

George W. Bush virus v 2.0 - Tells you it's going to eliminate all other viruses from your computer but that it may take a long time. Then it actually does scan your computer and eliminate viruses. It also scans for Programs of Mass Destruction (PMD), which are programs that destroy a lot of files if they are run. PMDs may be caused by a number of other viruses, such as the Saddam Hussein virus. The only problems with the George Bush virus are that it uses up a lot of your computer's resources while it's scanning, it never seems to find any PMDs, and it keeps switching the background color on your computer screen back and forth between yellow and orange.

GERALDO RIVERA VIRUS - Digs dirt out of your files, but it airs the dirt for all to see. Temporarily disabled with CHAIR.EXE.

GOVERNMENT ECONOMIST VIRUS - Nothing works, but all your diagnostic software says everything is fine.

HEALTH CARE VIRUS - Tests your system for a day, finds nothing wrong, and sends you a bill for $4,500.

HILLARY CLINTON VIRUS v 1.0 - Files disappear, only to reappear mysteriously a year later, in another directory.

Hillary Clinton virus v 2.0 - sets the "hidden" attribute on all your accounting files and tells you your computer won't run in 2004 or 2008. Many experts believe this virus may become its most dangerous in 2008.

HOWARD STERN VIRUS - One of the dirtiest viruses around. It writes 4 letter words to all of your files just to annoy the operating system. It also installs an X-rated GIF on your hard drive. Very popular.

HURRICANE VIRUS - It blows away all your files, then tells you the government will help you rebuild them.

IRS Audit Virus - It comes in with very little warning, digs through all your files then sells all your worldly possessions on Ebay, and there's not a thing you can do about it. It doubles the files on your hard drive while it states it is decreasing the number of files, increases the cost of your computer, taxes its CPU to maximum capacity, and then uses Quicken to access your bank accounts and deplete your balances.

JEFFREY DAHMER VIRUS - Eats away at your systems resources piece by piece.

Jesse Jackson virus - warns you repeatedly not to reproduce illegitimate files, but meanwhile, it's reproducing illegitimate files in the background. And if you don't have a color monitor displaying 32-bit true color, it floods your screen with icons and threatens to shut down your computer.

Jiminy Cricket Virus - Changes your Zip disk into a Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah disk.

Jimmy Hoffa Virus - Nobody can find it. Your programs can never be found again.

MAFIA VIRUS - You don't want it, but you're afraid to get rid of it.

MARTHA STEWART VIRUS - Takes all your files, sorts them by category and folds them into cute little doilies to be displayed on your desktop.

Michael Jackson Virus v 1.0 - Hard to identify because it is constantly altering its appearance.

MIKE TYSON VIRUS - Quits after one byte.

O.J. Simpson Virus v 2.0 (Often accompanied by the Johnny Cochran Virus.) – You know it's guilty of trashing your system, but you just can't prove it. Every time you try to search for a file, it runs "Pro Golf Tour 2000" instead.

Oprah Winfrey Virus - Your 200MB hard drive suddenly shrinks to 80MB, and then slowly expands back to 200MB.

PAUL REVERE VIRUS - This revolutionary virus does not horse around. It warns you of impending hard disk attack- Once, if by LAN; twice if by C.

PBS VIRUS - Your computer stops every few minutes to ask for a tax deductible contribution.

POLITICALLY CORRECT VIRUS v 1.0 - Never calls itself a "virus," but instead refers to itself as an "electronic microorganism."

POLITICALLY CORRECT VIRUS v 2.0 - Rephrases the "Abort, Retry, Fail" prompt as "Choice, Retry, Success-Impaired".

Prozac Virus - Screws up your RAM, but your processor doesn't care.

Public Transportation Virus - Makes your browser stop at every website.

Funny Book Titles


Funny Book Titles

40 Yards to the Latrine by Willy Makeit and Betty Wont

A Great Plenty by E. Nuff

A Stitch in Time by Justin Case

A Stuntman To The End: Kenny Doitt

Advanced Maths by Smart E. Pants

After The Corned Beef And Cabbage: Kay O'Pectate

Ah, Thor!: Ty Till

All Alone: Saul E. Terry

Allegiance To The King: Neil Downe

Almost Missed the Bus by Justin Time

Ambulance Driving: Adam Muhway

Animal Illnesses by Ann Thrax

Animal Scents: Farrah Mones

April Fool! by Sue Prize

Archery: Beau N. Arrow

Armed Heists by Robin Banks

Artificial Clothing by Polly Ester

Artificial Weightlessness by Andy Gravity

Athletic Supporter by Jacques Strap

Back Row Of The Orchestra: Clara Nett

Bad Falls by Eileen Dover

Bad Gardeners by Wilt Plant

Bad Investment by Les Riches

Banquet at McDonalds by Tommy Ayk

Battle Axes by Tom A. Hawk

Body Parts by Anne Atomy

Boy Scout's Handbook: Casey Needzit

Brane Surjery Maid Simpel by Sarah Bellum

Breaking the Law by Kermit A. Krime

Bubbles in the Bathtub by Ivor Windybottom

Candle-Vaulting by Jack B. Nimble

Caulking Made Easy by Phil McKrevis

Chauvinistic Men by A. Lone

Cheaper than IBM by P.C. Clone

Cheating on His Wife by Izzy Backyet

Chest Pain by I. Coffalot

Classic Groceries by Chopin Liszt

Come on in! by Doris Open

Computer Memories by Meg Abight

Cooking Spaghetti by Al Dente

Cosmetology by Rosie Cheeks

Crackdown by Lauren Order

Cut the Grass! by Moses Lawn

Daddy are We There Yet? by Miles Away

Danger! by Luke Out

Dangerous Animals by Mann Eaters

Decorating your Mousehole by Minnie Blinds

Defunct Nations: Sophie Etunion

Desert Crossing by I. Rhoda Camel

Do It Yourself: Tyrone Shoelaces

Don't Do Anything Rash: Jacques Itch

Don't Tread On Me: Amanda B. Reckonwith

Downpour! by Wayne Dwops

Drafted!: Abel Boddeed

Drinking Problems by Al Coholic

Dull Razor: Nick Shaving

Saturday, August 12, 2006

This is getting bad


It's looking like we are going to have to send my computer in for a new hard drive. I will lose everything on my computer.. WAAAAA!!!!!!!
I have collected sooo much stuff on that computer.

I have 3 doll outfits, a pair baby diaper cover panties I've finished and I am working on the Lacy Leaf Cocoon pattern from the Spring 2005 Crochet Magazine. I'm downsizing it to fit my daughter. It's been super fun to make though and I have a feeling I'll be doing this one again.

Today, we toodled around a little bit and we went into Goodwill. (Thrift stores are another one of my hobbies!) I found a Berenguer doll and a Lee Middleton Doll there. We also went to Hobby Lobby where I picked up several skeins of yarn from the clearance rack. They had a lot of yarn on clearance there.

Well, just thought I'd stop by and say hello...things won't really be back to normal for me and blogging until I get my computer back

Monday, August 07, 2006

Stealing a few moments on my hubby's computer


Since I don't have a computer, I have been using my extra time organizing my school room over the weekend. I'm still not finished but we went ahead and started school today anyway. I *thought* the public school kids started today but I found out that that they don't start until the 15th! We're going to go ahead and start off easy to get the kids used to the routine again. Alison is a little excited to start again she said.

I finished up a baby doll bubble suit tonight. I am going to browse through my patterns and figure out what I'm going to start on next.

Well, just wanted to write a few lines while I had a minute. I feel so lost without my computer!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Excuse me while I ramble....


I'm a little lost without my computer! Hmmm...what did I do before I had my lap top? Clean house? Work in the yard? Clean out the closet? I actually went through some old papers in the desk yesterday. I thought about cleaning the garage.... Well, it's probably good for me to be computer-less every once in a while.
Well, I have quite a few crochet projects to post pictures of when I finally get my computer back. I hope my camera doesn't blow up...I usually download my pictures before it gets this full! I've got two baby doll dresses I've finished and am working on another right now.
We went out last night and stocked up on school supplies. I always stock up on markers, crayons, scissors and stuff at this time of year because they put everything on sale real cheap. Michael is like a kid in the candy store...he loves markers and papers and pens. He draws all the time. I can't believe my baby just turned 13! He doesn't want to be called a teenager though. He's still my little boy at this point! LOL! Such a good kid....
Jeff has gone to pick up my mom today. My neice is having a wedding shower this afternoon and she didn't have a way to get there so he went to get her so she can go with me. (My mom lives about 1 1/2 hours away...we live on opposite outskirts of Houston) My mom is 78 years old and doesn't drive any more.
Speaking of Houston...I hate it here and I am reminded of that now that we are back from our trip! The humidity is so bad here and the mosquitoes form armies to carry you away if you try to sit outside. While we on our trip, we weren't really bothered with mosquitoes. I guess with all the rain we've had here, it probably makes them worse.
Our electric bill was just over $700 this month! Is that insane or what???????? Our house is only 1700 sf! My RV is looking more and more appealing to live in!!
My mind is gearing up for the school year....the public school kids start back on Monday. We planned on schooling through the summer but we were so busy, it didn't happen. We're really going to focus on Michael's weak spots this year which are math and language arts this year. He excels at everything else. I'm going to have both kids start doing SRA's...those help with reading and comprehension. I really need to go through my school books and sell off some of the curriculum I have that we don't use.
Anyway, I told you I would be rambling...I'm going to go for now!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Computer Down


I have been gone for 11 days on the big camping trip with the kids. My computer is completely refusing to boot up right now and I am typing this post from my husband's computer so I might not be back until he gets it working. Please pray I won't lose everything on my computer! I have a lot of crochet patterns saved on that computer!!

Buttons to take if you'd like to link to my blog








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