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Monday, March 12, 2007

Feeling much better


Well, we are all feeling much better around here. My husband and I have been on the Atkins diet for 1 week and 3 days and I'm feeling quite good. I knew it would help me with my mood and energy and it has done exactly that. I have lost some weight but I'm not exactly sure how much because i didn't weigh myself before I started. I can tell a bit in my clothes but its nothing major at this poing...I would guess at least 5 pounds. I just know that a pair of pant that were really tight were comfortable on me when I wore them Friday. I plan to do this from now on....not quite as strict but I will never go back to high carb again. I just feel too bad...I'm doing this just as much for that reason as weight loss. I'm just not the spring chicken I used to be! It's not so bad really. I've noticed my husbands mood has been better too!

I finished another project yesterday and I'll post pictures soon. It is a darling lacey top for my daughter. My husband REALLY ooh'd and ah'd over it which was surprising! I don't think I've ever had that good of a reaction from him over any of my projects! LOL!....maybe its because he's in such a good mood after a week of no sugar, caffeine, and low carbing it! LOL

Anyhow....bye for now!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I'm feeling crappy


Alison has been sick but she is feeling better today but now I'm starting to feel bad. I really don't have time for this either.
We found out at about 6 pm on Sunday night that a friend of Jeff's family had passed away and the funeral was the next day at 10 am in Hot Springs, AR. So....we hurridly got all our stuff together and left to make the drive. We got in at about 5 am to the motel....I slept for 3 hours, went to the funeral, then to the family's house for quite awhile, then to another friend of Jeff's he needed to see while we were there....then we drove 2 hours to El Dorado, AR to see Jeff's brother & wife for a couple of hours....then we drove another hour to Farmersville, LA to spend the night at Jeff's parents house. We ended up in bed at about 1 am and got up the next morning to drive home. It's about an 8 hour drive home. Jeff's mother and grandmother drove home with us in their car. They spent the night and left to visit some other relatives but were planning on coming back to see us on Saturday and stay until Tuesday. Monday night is when Alison started running fever and she's been in bed ever since. Last night we found out that Jeff's grandma was at the emergency room because she was throwing up. She is 78 or something like that but she's still very spry. She may be having some gall stone problems or something like that so they may be heading home to get it taken care of there instead of coming to our house on Saturday. It's still up in the air what is going on with that.
Anyway, I have a million things to do but i don't feel like doing it since I'm feeling bad. Was hoping to get to the store to get some things to start my low carb eating. I'll get there eventually, i guess! Well, that's what's going on with me....just a few little bumps in the road...that's all but we're really doing great other than that! I'm going to try to get a some clothes washed.

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