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Friday, April 28, 2006

King Sized Afghan


king size afghan Posted by Picasa

I am FINALLY getting back to this project. It is very close to completion! At this point, I only have one more strip of squares to join and attach. Then I'll have to try it on my bed and see what adjustments in size I need to make before I add the edging. I LOVED making this!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

My 12 year old son's crocheted flag


Michael's Crocheted Flag Posted by Picasa

My 12 year old son, Michael, has become quite the little crocheter himself! He's pretty content working on his own crochet and plastic canvas creations. Of course, he's much to creative to bother with patterns. He enjoys coming up with his own stuff. I was pretty impressed with this flag. He has had very little instruction from me. I told him how to hold his hook and yarn and how to do a single crochet and he hasn't been interested in hearing my advice since! LOL!1

Friday, April 21, 2006

Curling Ribbon Bag


curling ribbon tote bag Posted by Picasa

Well, this is my first attempt (and maybe my last!) at crocheting with curling ribbon. I didn't like doing this much. I don't think the result is rewarding enough to repeat so I think I'll put the curling ribbon in with my gift wrap supplies! LOL!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Funny song for us women to relate to....


PMS Blues!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006



We've been enjoying "dog sitting" this week for our neighbor since last Thursday. Our neighbor has two big dogs he keeps in the house and we've been going over to feed them and checking up on them. We decided to try our hand and taking them out on a walk and boy was that fun! Once we did that, the dogs really bonded with us! We ended up taking them out 3 times while our neighbor was gone but we quit calling it us "taking them for a walk" was more like they took US "on a drag!" Whew! A month of that and I'd be very skinny!!! LOL! I was amazed at their strength! Michael would put on his roller blades and hold the one that was a little easier to handle....he would pull Michael right along!! I would come home sweating profusely! Time for a swim then!

We had a nice quiet evening tonight. Jeff left for San Antonio and we sent away the neighborhood kids today. Michael and Alison wanted to spend some time playing alone together and they have been getting along great today. They swam and played around the pool this afternoon, then we went on our dog walk, now they are playing a game on the computer together. It was a nice change of pace...sometimes I think they feel a bit "put upon" and need a break from the kids in the neighborhood. It seems like someone is ALWAYS at the door! I'm glad they have friends but Michael doesn't really "need" someone to play with all the time. He has his own little things he does and is perfectly content to play on his own. When Michael decided to include Alison, everything works out great.

I think we are going to REALLY enjoy the pool and deck Jeff put up. He is not completely finished with the deck but it is finished enough to use. The weather has been really warm (high 80's) the past few days so they have really been using it alot. I don't have near as many kids in my house now, which is good. Now I have "towel" issues to deal with. How many towels can a kid use in one day? I've about decided I need to just get some extra bathing suits at the thrift store in sizes 6-10....someone is always needing a bathing suit! Oh well...all this will pass and I'm sure I'll miss it when it does.

Well, I started crocheting something with curling ribbon the other day! It's slow going because it's a little difficult to work with and its harder on the hands so I have to take breaks. I'm making sort of a tote bag. The curling ribbon will make for a very sturdy, waterproof type bag. I'll try to get some pictures of it soon.

Easter Party


Some of the gang Posted by Picasa

Ready Set Go Posted by Picasa

Egg & Spoon Race Posted by Picasa

Egg Toss Posted by Picasa

oops Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 14, 2006



float Posted by Picasa

This is the best picture of the float Alison was on in the parade that I have. Unfortunately, you can't see her in this picture because she was on the other side of the float. We couldn't go on that side of the float because they still had traffic running in that lane. Keep in mind, this float was put together in 3 days! LOL!

I've just spent some time updating all of my photo galleries so I have all of our pictures in my albums now.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Purple and Orange Halter


purple & orange front Posted by Picasa

purple & orange close up Posted by Picasa

purple & orange back Posted by Picasa

I believe I made this one a tad too long.

Lavender & Pink Halter Dress


halter dress front Posted by Picasa

halter dress close up Posted by Picasa

halter dress back Posted by Picasa

I have a little more work to do on this dress. It's a little lose around the waist so I'm going to add another row with some decreases.

Baby Blue & Varigated Halter


baby blue & varigated front Posted by Picasa

baby blue & varigated back Posted by Picasa

I've started a trend!


Just had to get this picture of my son, Michael, and two of the "regulars" of the neighborhood kids all crocheting on my couch! You can bet I wasn't too far away doing the same! (He, He)

crocheting kids!  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 ducks!


We try to get baby ducks every year. It really has nothing to do with Easter, it just happens to be the only time of year we are able to find them. This tradition started one year when we were camping and we found two baby ducks without a mama. Yes, we brought them home with us and raised them until they were big enough to make it on their own and then we brought them back to the park we got them from and let them go. It was so fun that the next year, we bought 4 baby ducks and did the same thing. When I was a kid, my back gate opened into the Blanco State Park and the ducks would lay eggs in our yard. We would always keep the babies in our yard until they were big enough not to get eaten by snakes and other predators and then let them go. That is probably why I still enjoy it today. They get so tame that they follow you around like you are their mama and its great fun to watch them run and slide to catch June Bugs!

black baby Posted by Picasa

michael in the duck pen Posted by Picasa

Oh, they aren't ducks but this picture is just too cute not to post! He He

Brindy & Misty Posted by Picasa

Our Pool


Well, Jeff managed to get the pool up this weekend. It was a BIG JOB and he worked his butt off! This sucker is BIG!! He had some help though...he picked up our friend, Jerry, a Katrina survivor who needed some work. He stayed in our camper over the weekend and helped Jeff with the pool. The kids were so excited, they could hardly stand it. Now, its been filling up for the past 2 days. We let them get in it yesterday even though the water was only about 1 foot deep. The big trick was getting them in and out of it. Without the deck built yet, that was tricky! Jeff planned on taking off work yesterday and getting the deck started right away but he came down sick yesterday.

Leveling the ground and laying cement blocks for the braces Posted by Picasa

Putting foam underneath Posted by Picasa

It's up! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Another halter in the making


Here is a a close up of the halter bottom I just finished tonight. Very different looking stitch but I don't really like working in single crochet that much so it's not going to be one of my favorites. I've started on the top part and will finish it up tomorrow. The bottom part is the most time consuming....once I get that done, the rest is a snap! I made this to go with an orange skort my daughter has.

Halter Posted by Picasa

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