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Sunday, June 24, 2007

My computer is back but it's still not fixed....


Argh!!! One of the problems I was having with my computer was that the CD-Rom Drive wasn't working properly. I can play a DVD or CD but I it won't recognize any blank CD's or DVD's I put in. And do you know that they didn't even fix my fan that wasn't turning? My computer IS staying on now. All they did was clean everything real good. I guess I'm happy that I can at least keep my computer ON now but I can "see" the fan is still not turning. Looks like I'm going to have to do this again! That's probably why it didn't take very long since all they did was clean the thing! Gee thanks...but could you FIX it please??? LOL

Well, I finished the baby afghan I was making for my neice last night. Here is a picture of it:

I also made these 2 bibs out of cotton

I've made some booties. I'm looking for a hat and possibly a shirt or jacket pattern to make to go along with those.

Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday! It's been raining here for weeks and I hope the sun will come out today!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Yea!!!! My computer is back today.


I now have a "L" key too! Lol!

I have been taking a break from working on my crocheted panels to work on making some baby things for my neice who is having a baby. I have made two bibs from cotton, a pair of booties, and I'm almost done with a baby blanket. I'm still planning on making a hat to go with the booties. She is having a boy so it's a little tougher to find patterns. I had started making a little T-shirt but it looks soooo small, I don't know if its going to work. I'm going to try to come up with something else, I think.

Pictures will be posted shortly!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My baby got braces....


Michael got braced on last Wednesday, June 13, 2007. He'll probably be in those about 2-3 years. He wasn't real thrilled with the whole idea. His teeth were very sore for 2 days. Even the Ibuprofen or Aleve wasn't helping him much. The second day, I gave him some of the pain medicine he had from his surgery. He didn't even need that stuff after his surgery so he considered this more painful that that! One thing, he's feeling better now of course but he's having lots of problems with his lips being raw and he talks different and holds his mouth different now. One surprise to me has been how much more diligent he's been about brushing since he got those on! He's got some adjusting to do but it'll all be worth it in the end, as we all well know!

My baby is turning 14 next month! Aw....he's still a kid though and I'm thankful that he's enjoying his child hood instead of growing up too fast.

Camping Trip to Huntsville Texas State Park


I'm using the kids computer right now because mine is in the shop but I heard from DHL and they are delivering my computer back to me tomorrow! I CANNOT believe it was so fast! The last time I sent it in, I thought it would never come back! Anyhow, I'll be a happy camper to get it back for sure!
Now onto our camping trip we just got back from on Sunday.
We had fun on a camping trip to Huntsville State Park. It would have been a WHOLE lot funner if it hadn't rained every day but we still managed to do a lot of fun stuff despite the rain. They have a lot of stuff to do there and its only 1 1/2 hours away from home!
They have a free kids fishing program which I was really impressed with. The kids came away with a nice goody bag of stuff, an Junior Angler pin and a certificate. Jeff and I both won door prizes! I got a fishing rod and tackle boxed set and Jeff got a big tackle box! Can't beat that! The rod was a blessing since Michael's fishing rod walked away somehow while we were there.
Here is Alison practicing her casting....

They teach you everything from rules, safely, bait to use and how to build your rod. We actually caught a lot of smaller sized fish on this trip that we threw back. We were catching Sunfish, Bass and Catfish! Fun enough!!

We visited the Prison Museum which was interesting... There were some displays of how resourceful those guys get while in prison. Take a look at this very detailed "Prisonopoly" game that was made by hand by a prisoner. They found it in a cell "shake down". He begged them to send it home to his mother. The guard complied but only on the agreement that he make another one for the prison museum. I bet his mom was proud! :)

We had a friendly little visitor to our camp site...this little squirrel sat 6 inches from my foot and ate a piece of pop corn! In all of our camping, I haven't had one get this close to me.

They have stables that you can pay for and hour our horseback riding there at the park. This is actually one of the main reasons we went there. Alison has been asking to ride a horse. It was fun and different from our usual camping activities. We got back from our ride to find 6 fire trucks lined up the road. A little cabin there had caught fire and burned up pretty bad in the time we were gone. It was some sort of electrical fire. We were pinned into the parking lot so we decided to make the walk back to our campsite and come pick our truck up later after the action died down. A park ranger ended up coming by our site to give Jeff a ride back to his truck later in the evening to save Jeff from having to walk back, which was nice.

Oh and you won't believe this BIG FISH story I have...Jeff caught an alligator on his fishing line!! Yup...I've got proof. The signs said that they have alligators and we hadn't seen any until we were fishing after dark Saturday night. Jeff saw something right near his bobber and thought it was a turtle or a snake. When we got the flash light to it, we saw it was a baby alligator! EEk! The thing was very interested in eating Jeff's bobber and ended up doing some sort of splashy thing and ended up getting Jeff's fishing hook stuck in his tail. Now how do you get an alligator off your hook? VERY CAREFULLY!!!
I had to run and get the camera to try to catch the action...

Jeff and Michael ended up pinning the alligator with the net you see in the last picture to hold his head down while Jeff got the hook out of his tail with a pair of pliers. Then, we stood clear to let him run back for the water which he was trying to do the whole time. That little guy wasn't bashful though...he stuck around the area even after we let him loose. He wasn't too intimidated by the whole event.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Good Bye


The box came in the mail today for me to mail my lap top in for service. One of my fans is out and my computer shuts down on me all the time. It's been driving me crazy for months. I have been putting this off because I am going to hate being without a computer but it must be done. It could be 2-3 weeks before I get my computer back.
I'm busy notifying my groups and going on no-mail so I'm not faced with 1000's of emails when I get back!

So long for now....

Pictures from Alison's performance


We've been busy all weekend long with Alison's ballet performance, "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe". Alison danced her Modern 1 dance as a Dryad and her Balleet 2 dance as a mouse.

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