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Friday, May 19, 2017

Mother's Day we had our first day that we didn't "work" around here! Jeff bought some steaks and we grilled out for the first time. It was de-lish!

Oh, I take that back ... Jeff did a little bit of work. He fixed the water hoses and put new fancy electronic locks on the doors. We don't have to have a key to get in...just a code.

Alison and I headed to the river to see if we could get a little sun. We not only have a lot of lakes nearby by we also have a place right down the road from us called the Llano Slab which is the Llano River.

So anyway, I worked on Wednesday and it was a long day. I didn't get home until almost 10pm. I had to go pick up Brennan and I needed to visit with the grand girls since I hadn't seen them in awhile. I really don't like that drive home. I usually am driving in the dark and I don't like it at all. Those roads are dark and curvy and I don't see good at night. I hit a turkey on the way home. I mean I clobbered him. I felt bad.

So I'm gone for one day and I come back and it's like our garden had grown exponentially! Everything is growing well and has blooms on it.

Lots of cherry tomatoes coming up!

I was really excited to see the corn starting to grow! We've never grown corn before!

Zuchini blooms

Watermelon blooming...

There's two lettuce plants and a spinach here on the end...the other stuff behind it is okra and onions..oh, and there's an eggplant as well...

Jalapeno blooming too and we also have a serrano pepper plant...

This is one of the tomato plants that is going to have he big tomatoes on it...It's called a Summer Set tomatoe and is supposed to be heat tolerant.

The basil is so pretty...

Gosh...I think these are pickling cucumbers...

Sweet potato vine is coming out of the garden...

Yeah, we went a little crazy! We just bought what they had that we could grow this time a year. I guess we'll see how we do! We also have green beans that I guess I didn't take a picture of. They have little tiny beans growing on them and they didn't before I left for the day.

So today I started trying my hand at Chalk Painting. I had heard of chalk paint before and it's really popular. Alison and I had went in a store that sold it and was talking to the lady about it so I was inspired. Supposedly you can paint anything with it without sanding or priming. I have a lot of worn, ugly stuff around here the old lady left that might be okay with a new life.

I'm so dumb I didn't take a picture of the table before hand...It was a ugly and worn and had flowers painted on it. Just a small wooden table that was left on the front porch. I decided to start with this since it's small and I can see how I do with it.

Here's the first coat with gray...

I was surprised! It covered the flowers with one coat! I didn't even have to paint it agaIin.

Now, to add the white. I really want it more white than gray. I've been looking this stuff up online. You're supposed to "dry brush" the 2nd coat to get this "aged" effect. I would say this was the trickiest part. They say it doesn't matter but I think it does. I don't really like the legs on it. I think I'm going to have to do a little more work on the legs before I finish it up with the wax.

Not too bad! It DEFINATELY looks a hundred times better than it did...that's for sure!

Next I'm going to paint this drop leaf table she left on the back porch. There's two chairs that go with it somewhere in the workshop that we haven't dug out yet. I'm probably just going to go straight white on it.

I remembered to take a picture of the before so I'll post as I work on this....I'll probably have time to work on it tomorrow! It's a good solid table...just not very pretty.

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