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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ear Flap Hat


I finished an earflap hat this morning.

No pattern on this. I like to make hats like this...Just make a DC crown and then further down towards the brim add a row of FPDC, Then two rows of alternating FPDC, FPDC, then another row of FPDC. Makes a nice little texture in there.

I fiddled around with the earflaps quite a bit and undid them a bunch of times because I wasn't getting the shape I wanted. I finally just ended up going with this even though it isn't exactly what I was shooting for. I think I need to try taking my pictures during the day outside in natural light. I usually take them at night in the house and the lighting in our house is pretty dim. It seems like I can never get pictures to show the colors right.

I'm trying to decided whether I should add a beard to this or not. I've got the beard made but I haven't sewed it on. That's what I originally made it for. I think the beard hats are cute. I mean warm and novel at the same time!

Anyway, I spent a while looking around on Etsy this morning. I saved a few patterns I like. I want to buy a few patterns after Jeff gets a paycheck. It's been so long since I've bought anything that wasn't a "need"...well, crochet patterns ARE a "need" for me, but you know what I mean. My husband is going to be paying me back my personal savings that we have spent on groceries and bills so I'm going to buy myself some patterns! I now have to go back through the patterns I saved and check and see which designers say you can't sell the finished items. I will be crossing those off my list. I don't buy patterns from designers that say you can't sell your finished items. It's one of my pet peaves -- I respect their effort that goes into designing; however, I'm not selling their pattern, I'm selling my "work" and that's worth something. Even though I rarely sell my crochet stuff, if I ever want to, I'm not going to go digging back through my patterns to see if I can sell it or not! me it's ridiculous for someone to tell me I can't sell something that I have hours of work and the cost of materials in! Anyway, I do respect the ability of people to write patterns...myself, I'm much too lazy! However, if I ever did write them, certainly people would be free to sell their finished items! I'm stepping down off the soap box now....

I wasn't home much today. After Alison finished her school work we went into town and stopped in Mrs. Grain's shop (even though she's out of town). We stopped in to say HI to our neighbor that was working in there & Michael wanted to see how much she's selling his leather work for. We picked up Alison's friend, Phoebe, who lives 5 miles out of town. Then, we went 7 miles the other direction to the Stables for Alison to see Princess. (We do a lot of driving out here and it STILL takes us less time to get somewhere than it did to go across the street in Houston!) Anyway, we stayed there for several hours helping Mrs. Stable feed the horses. It's quite a production right now because she's feeding them grain since they don't have any Alfalfa hay. (They need protein) Anyway, they have to be brought in to eat separately (there's 34 horses)! It gets a bit dicey at times because they LOVE that grain and they ALL want in the barn really bad and they don't really want to leave when their done. Anyway, I feel bad that Mrs. Grain is having to do it all by herself when Mr. Grain is out of town so we stayed and helped with that. Then, we rushed home to take care of our animals out here.

Now I'm about ready to get ready for bed. Tomorrow's another day!

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1 comments: to “ Ear Flap Hat

  • 12:50 PM  

    pretty hat :)

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