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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The rest of the story....


Well, we headed home and Jeff found out that our trailor brakes weren't working so we pulled over and Jeff tried a few things he thought might be the problem. He was finally able to figure out what the problem was and he wasn't happy about it. My husband has a lot of electrical knowledge. He basically figured out that the problem was the result of someone doing their job poorly. I don't understand it all but the connections for all of our lights and the trailer brakes just basically came right undone. We spent 4 hours in the WalMark parking lot while Jeff figured out which wire went together! He was able to fix it and he said they didn't use the standard colors in the wiring or something like that. Jeff is so smart...seems like he is able to figure out or fix just about anything that comes up. It really wasn't bad for was Jeff I felt sorry for. He was the one who was dealing with the frustration and standing out in the cold trying to get it fixed. Alison was sleeping, Michael was playing on the computer, and I crocheted practically a whole scarf while we waited!
Well, the story doesn't end there...when we got home, the kids came to tell us the garage door opener wasn't working while we were trying to get the camper parked. We figured out that apparently the breaker had tripped while we were gone. From the smell of things, apparently it had been off for some time! We have a refrigerator in the kitchen, another one in the garage and a deep freezer in the garage. We lost every thing. We have finally gotten the refrigerator and freezer in the house cleaned out but are still working on the garage. It's a big job because there were even maggots in the meat in the gross!!!! Trash day is tomorrow so at least we will have all the rotten food gone! I haven't been able to go grocery shopping because we had to get the kitchen refrigerator cleaned out before I could put anything in and we just finished that last night.
While I was cleaning out on Monday, Michael came through the kitchen and tripped over the dishwasher and broke the door pretty much in half! Now, when I open the dishwasher, the door crashes to the ground! So...another project for and install a new dishwasher!

Tomorrow morning we have to get up real early to take Michael to get surgery on his arm. They are going to re-break his arm and put a plate with 3 screws in to secure it. The plate will be taken out in approximately 1 year. I don't remember if I posted about him re-breaking his original break about 3 weeks ago. He was scheduled for surgery but he got sick and we had to cancel it. They told us we could take our trip and do it when we got back because they are going to break it again anyway. He was really able to enjoy the trip much more since we were able to put it off. He is able to use his arm right now, it is just crooked. It will be straight again after the surgery and he will have to start all over with the cast again....

My poor hubby drove to Fort Worth and back today...about 8-10 hours of driving!
I better get off of here...I have to run to the pharmacy.

When I get back tonight, I'm going to try to load some of the pictures from our trip onto my computer so maybe I'll have time to post a few!

What next?

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