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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Does this mean I'm getting old?


I can't sleep late to save my life anymore! I try and try but the latest I have been able to manage in a long time is 7:30. Most days I wake up much earlier and just lay in bed. Some days I just go ahead and get up before the sun comes up. It's quite depressing!

Well, last weekend they had to put the poor, old mule down. He was very OLD and has been in pretty bad shape for awhile now. Having a hard time getting around so they finally decided it was the right decision. He was a trusty, reliable sort and we'll miss him!

This is an old picture of Alison riding him when we first moved out here. Boy, they both have changed since then...

Nothing much else going on....we went to the last homeschool co-op of the year this week and I went to a homeschool mom's night out last week. the kids in the group are mostly too young for Alison but good things have come out of it. I've met a lot of the homeschooling mom's in the region and we found the church and the youth group out of it! Alison looks forward to every Wednesday and Sunday now.

I already mentioned that Alison and her boyfriend broke up...well, it's a lasting break up for sure! I've been very amazed at how well Alison has handled this. Every other break up has been tear filled and dramatic. This time I haven't been able to detect anything but determination and resolve to be DONE with the drama. She's back to her happy pre-boyfriend days. There's been a little tension since we live here right beside them and they have to see each other but even seeing him doesn't even seem to bother Alison. They had said they would remain friends since they were so close but he seems to have a pretty bad attitude ever since and is often downright rude. Alison has been determined to do the right thing regardless of how he acts and with him acting like this, it's actually a daily reminder of why breaking up was a good idea. If he was being the nice person she used to know, it might make it more difficult. So....It's all good. I'm glad I decided to let this whole thing play out on its own instead of trying to intervene so many times when I wanted to. My daughter has a good head on her shoulders and a desire to follow God so trusting HIM with her is what I try to do. In the meantime, there are cute boys at the youth group.....UH OH!!

Other than that, we are grooming horses and getting ready for Spring Break next week!

Thank God we've been having some beautiful spring like weather!

What next?

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2 comments: to “ Does this mean I'm getting old?

  • 9:49 AM  

    Hello! Glad you found a church and a youth group that you like! Sorry about Allison and her boyfriend breaking up, but it sounds like it was for the best.
    Really sad about the poor mule too!
    We are still digging out from the worst winter storm we have had all winter. It started about ten in the morning and blew all day and night! Thank goodness we had been to town the day before and got groceries!
    Don't know how much snow we had but there was a lot!
    I think most of it blew through the yard.
    I have been doing a lot of crocheting! Just made two hats for a great niece! Working on a walk in the woods afghan, and knitting sashay scarves. Jean

  • 3:32 PM  

    Oh and I don't think you are old, you just have a routine of getting up early!

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