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Friday, September 03, 2010

Jeff's parents are coming for a visit tomorrow. We'll be working at the stables tomorrow. (Yay! We haven't seen the horses in a week!) Today I've been busy cleaning the RV and cooking up some stuff for them to eat. I'm made tuna fish salad and pasta salad to bring for lunch tomorrow. Tomorrow evening we'll have hamburgers and I made the potato salad today. Sunday, we'll have pizza for lunch and I bought one of those Stouffer Lasagne for dinner Sunday night to make it easy on me. They will be staying in the cabin at the stables so we're going to bring all the food to the refrigerator over there this evening along with some coffee and stuff for them. Jeff didn't have to work today so we're about to get outside and clean out the truck and the campsite. It's time to start getting ready to leave this place. I've been feeling the time is nearing and my feelings were confirmed this morning when we went our and found out Gator missing. The lead ranger's last day was two days ago and the guy doing his job in the interim is not one of my favorite's. Sorta of an arrogant chip on his shoulder kind of guy. These are just my observations. Actually, I've gotten the idea that he might be part of the reason the lead ranger left to begin with but I don't know. Anyway, he apparently came and took the Gator to give to another park host because his was broken down. No problem at all really. The man who has it came by a little later to explain that he had it and was a little embarassed that he had to do so. He wasn't comfortable with the fact that the ranger told him he took it without saying anything to us. I was grateful that he told me because we were about to head to the office and find out where it was because we had personal belongings in there. Jeff had his spot-light and several other flashlights in there. I didn't want someone to think they belonged to the park and for them to disappear the way things are apt to do around here. So really wasn't a problem for him to take it since we won't really be around much this weekend but letting us know would've been considerate. However, Jeff was planning on getting some hours in this afternoon since he wasn't working. Guess that's not an option now. The impossibility of my being able to get these volunteer park hours in without Jeff helping me and me trying to do school, dance, etc. is becoming more and more apparent. I told them I couldn't work the weekend hours at the Visitor's Center but I could work Thursdays and Fridays with the new visitor's Center hours but the paid worker is wanting to work Thursdays and Fridays so I don't even know if I'll be doing that anymore. I'm simply not working the weekends as a volunteer with Jeff being gone working during the week now. It's definately time to go so....a phase is ending and a new phase is beginning for us! It sure was a great experience here doing this at the park though! I'm certainly grateful for the time we've been able to spend here!

Here are some pictures of some carvings Michael did a while back but I'm just now getting pictures of them. I'm not sure what these are exactly but he did an incredibly detailed job carving these.

What next?

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