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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Labor Day and the official end of the tourist season....


Jeff's parents came for their visit but we didn't do very much visiting at all but his parents were happy to get away for a quiet weekend in this beautiful place. Michael got to spend some time alone with his grandparents for once though which is a good thing. He went into town with them a couple of times while they were here and got spoiled with some treats he loves...two big bags of beef jerky and several cans of Slim Jim's. Alison was busy working so she couldn't leave to go with them.

Sunday was the busiest day I have seen since I have been working at the stables so his parents really got to see what we've been doing in a big dose! We had 62 riders that day! The place was hectic. Alison & Jeff rode literally all day long from 9 am until the last ride went out at 6 pm. I was so busy with helping load rides and the phone was ringing or I had people driving up all day trying to get in. I had to do some pretty intricate scheduling trying to get people in and not mess up because we can only take a certain number of children per ride and a certain number of adults with a child riding double per ride. There were two rides that had kids on Hildago that absolutely refused to do what was necessary to make him walk faster no matter how many times you told them. Between that and people showing up a few minutes late or scared people or people talking or people in no particular hurry or people that want to take pictures, we ended up getting behind schedule as the day wore on. At least the day went fast though and we're glad to see a good day to close out the season. Too bad there weren't more of them this summer! Those horses are so awesome...I love and respect those animals so much!

We went to our first 4-H meeting last night. Alison wants to show Princess so we're doing what we need to do to make that happen for her. Michael has been busy reading over his paperwork today to decide if he's going to participate. The kid should be a lawyer...he didn't want to agree to anything without reading it and he had all kinds of questions. Michael will probably enter a rabbit and Alison will most likely enter a rabbit as well but only after we find out whether the animals are sold for meat or not. The leader said that in this particular show you get your animal back so if that's the case I believe we may enter more venues.

Here's a hat I made. Nothing special but I made it when we made that trip to Houston last week.

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