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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wiped out


This whole weekend has been a non-stop blur. The sleep I have been getting seems like its not good sleep and I still wake up tired. Alison had rehearsal Friday night. Saturday, Jeff's parents drove down...we left early for Alison's dance show. There was a lot of drama going on up there. The lady who was sewing the costumes didn't have our girls costumes finished. When she showed up with them an hour before curtain call, she said 6 of the girls would not have there costumes. Alison was one of those girls. The dance teacher was very, very upset...the dress lady was very upset and defensive about the whole thing. She didn't seem to see why everyone was so upset. They had to go dig up something from the dance studio for our girls to wear. The dresses the lady made didn't have leotards in them and they had to wear these "granny panties" thing under them and you could see their stomachs through the sheer material of the skirts. It turned out great for Alison and the other girls with missing costumes in the end because the dresses they got to wear didn't show their stomachs and were beautiful dresses. They were all very happy about it in the end. The costumes that she did have made were pretty poorly done. Their sashes weren't even hemmed. The were just cut strips of materials and were all fraying before the end of the first performance. The show went very well though and Alison danced beautifully. After the first night's show, the grandparents wanted us to come eat with them in Uvalde where they were staying in a motel. By the time got Alison changed and squared away after the show and we had come home to check on and feed our baby goat, it was pretty late before we even got to eat. We got home very late...around 1 am. Tried to get some sleep but Jeff still needed to wake up with the goat in the night. Alison had another performance today and we were invited to a friend's house this evening. By the time we got home from dance, fed Alison's show goat, came home to take care of baby goat, we ended up not going over to the friend's house after all. The baby goat was really, really improving but she's showing symptoms of another problem now. We have more challenges to overcome now but I'm too tired to go into all the details here now but let's just say we are learning a lot about baby goats. Our friend who has nursed a lot of baby goat to health has been helping us with getting supplies for her. The little girl is a quite a little fighter. We're doing the best we can to aide her. She sure is going to be a sweetheart if she makes it. She's spoiled to pieces.

Here are a couple of photos from Alison's dance.

Alison with Nana & Papaw

What next?

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