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Sunday, December 26, 2010



Finished the pop/beer can hat order. I brought them over to her this afternoon and got my money. She loved them. I'm going to continue to make some more of these. Maybe I can sell some around here.

Two other hats I had made a little while back but hadn't had a chance to get pictures of yet.

Starting on the next beer can hat now.

Trying to make a difficult decision again. It really wouldn't be so difficult if my daughter's heart wasn't so inner-twined in this decision. Mr. Stable seems to be unhappy with how we are taking care of the goat. We have been trying to do what the county agent told us to do but he and Mr. Stable don't agree on what should be done. It gets complicated because everything we have read on the internet and 4 other people that raised goats have told us NOT to do exactly what Mr. Stable has told us to do. However, it IS his goat so we've felt obliged that we should listen to him in the beginning. Then, the goat wasn't gaining weight so we decided to go with the County Agents advice which was no hay, no corn and remove the other goat so we could monitor what our goat was eating even though Mr. Stable wasn't too happy about it. County Agent said he will get hungry and eat the show goat feed once he realized that's all he was going to get. Everyone tells us they will fill up on hay or corn and not eat the show goat food. Two people have told us flat out the corn would mess up their digestion. In the meantime, Alison has been spending her own money feeding this goat. It makes me feel uncomfortable as it is their goat and I don't want to seem ungrateful. It's our own mistake for getting ourselves into this to begin with. We shouldn't have tried to do this with someone elses animal. Today, Mr. Stable cussed at Jeff and was extremely irritated with him because he came too late to feed the goat. Jeff came home very upset. We don't treat people that way so its pretty upsetting when people act that way to you. Be irritated, say whatever you want to say like a civil human being but to cuss him out in front of a bunch of people is really uncalled for. Needless to say, we are still required to act right no matter what other people do so we're trying to make a conscious decision about what is the right thing to do instead of act on emotions or in defensiveness. Also, we need to do right by Alison and not set a bad example for her. She is completely aware of what has all been going on. The goat actually gained 2 pounds the last week we weighed him and he has never been without food at any time since we've been feeding him. Now, we are trying to decide if it is time to just cut our losses and forget the whole thing. If the decision only affected me, it would be a done deal. I don't need the added stress to my life at this point in time. It's Alison I'm worried about. It's really not her fault all this has turned out like this and it's our fault for letting her get into this situation to begin with. We'll need to buy more feed soon if we are going to continue with this. She will have to put out more money into a goat that may get sifted anyway. We certainly don't have the extra money to help her out with it. She has more money that we do at this point! LOL

The good news is that Jeff has a small job to do tomorrow for the dentist in town. It's only about a day and a half of work but at least its something. Also, Christmas Eve we went up to the stables to do one ride and more people showed up and ended up doing 9 riders that day so Jeff got a day of pay for that. There is our grocery money for this week! Talk about manna from heaven.

Well, hope everyone has a great week enjoying the last week of 2010. Can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us. After the past two years...2009 the difficult years with my mama ending with her passing in November 2009...which quickly brought us into this past year of 2010 with Jeff being without work...I can't help but hope this next year will start to look up for us. Maybe this next year will be our year!

What next?

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1 comments: to “ Hats

  • 4:39 AM  

    Those hats look really great! I love your cute idea!
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year and all the best for 2011!!!

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