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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Perhaps I should change my blog name


This really hasn't been much of a "crochet" blog lately. I actually have made some pretty good progress on the blanket I've been working on (or haven't been working on, I should say..) This week I brought it with me to both of my jobs and I worked on it during my down time here and there.

The park has been really busy but I can tell I'm already getting used to all of the daily accidents, ambulances and commotions that go on. It seems like there's something most every day and I miss a lot because I'm out of the park all day 3 days a week! Last night some lady was laying in the middle of the street screaming and refused to move and earlier in the day there was a compound fracture. Tonight the ambulance came for a dehydrated guy.
Sigh...never a dull moment but I'm not out in it all much. I do my two days in the visitor's center and Jeff and Michael pick up the rest of the hours.

I don't know why I get so tired on the days I work. The jobs are very easy and I'm not doing anything strenuous or tiring but it seems like I'm just worn out when I get home and there's still so much to do. I guess I've been too spoiled all these years being a stay-at-home mom. This evening, I ended up falling asleep on the couch and when I woke up, I was so disoriented. I was trying to remember what day it was and what time of day it was. Boy, it did me wonders though. I felt so much better after that nap!

Alison hasn't been able to ride the horses for the past two days. That's been rather sad for her. I'm not sure exactly what's going on but the owner's wife told the guys not to let her ride more than a couple of times a day and now one of the wrangler's has been acting strange the past two days. I told Alison not to say a word about riding and they haven't offered to put her on a ride for the past two days. I'm not sure what is going on but I have a suspicion about what it might be. No one has done anything wrong...I just think there's some bad communication happening here. Anyway, I hope it works itself out. I asked Alison if she still wanted to come with me if she wasn't going to get to ride. She said she does. She really loves those horses.

Jeff was at the stables today doing another little job replacing a water heater in the little cabin he put the screened porch on. Nothing else is new. Tomorrow, we go to town for groceries. I want to make it a quick trip. I don't feel like going anywhere.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

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