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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Long day in San Antonio today....Actually, we got home earlier than we ever have from a day in San Antonio. I wasn't going to go since we have no money but Michael had a gift card for Tandy Leather Factor he got from Mr. & Mrs. Grain for Christmas. It was an opportunity to go to the store and not have to pay shipping so we all went. We browsed around Hobby Lobby while Jeff was at his interview. I drooled over the Hobby Lobby "I Love This Yarn" yarn. It was even on sale :( Oh well, that's probably the yarn I'll use for my next Prairie Star Afghan. I love that I Love This Yarn! (He He...pretty good name)

We got stopped by a police officer on the way home for not turning our turn signal on a 100 yards from our turn! We were trying to figure out why in the world he was stopping us because we weren't speeding but thank God, he didn't give us a ticket. He was pretty nice except for all the nosy questions they ask you now days....they seem to think they need to know where you going, where you've been and why. Not sure what that has to do with anything. Oh well...he wished Jeff good luck on getting the job!

The job interview went quite well but it's not the first job interview to go well and nothing come of it --- hope this one works out! So...not much more on that use in getting prematurely excited again. They did say they don't like to keep people waiting so hopefully we'll here one way or another pretty quick. If he gets it, Jeff will have to drive to San Antonio every day for 3 weeks for training. That'll be enough to make him grateful that he'll only have to drive there one time a week after that!

Jeff & I are have a job cleaning a house tomorrow for some people with a second house here. It's a twice a year job! LOL! They have someone clean before they come twice a year. Our friends used to do it and passed us onto the owners. They don't seem to care what you charge them and haven't even asked us so we're debating what we should bill them. My friend said they won't blink at two or three hundred dollars. It's going to depend on how long it takes us...we haven't even seen the house. We have to clean windows inside and out and stuff like that. I'm not really looking forward to it but it'll give us some desperately needed cash. God seems to provide one way or another just when you think you might not have grocery money the next week! Seriously...manna from heaven!

Well, got to go get some stuff done around here before bed. I need to cut up Grace's bedtime snack and bring it out to her. (A sliced up carrot) I enjoy my quiet moments with my little deer in the warm hay barn on a cold night.

Have a good week it seriously Tuesday already??? Wow.

What next?

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