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Monday, May 31, 2010

Apparently, it's not our time to go....


After the gas scare in the camper, we found out another potential catastophe we were unaware of until tonight. Our water heater had quit working before we left for our trip. Jeff was working on it today and tonight trying to figure out what the problem was. He finally ended up finding that we had had a mini fire that melted the wiring to the water heater! It actually burned the wires and the metal box the wiring was in. Thank God, it apparently went out when it burned through the wires. Since we live in a virtual tender box this is not good. He can replace the wiring but is concerned about what might have caused it. We don't want to hook it up again and then have the same thing happen again with worse consequences the next time. I'm sure Jeff will figure it out though. Anyway, we do have hot water as long as we use gas. We just won't be able to hook it to the electricity. We need to do a drill with the kids and make sure they can get out their fire escapes if they ever need to.

I worked in the visitor's center today. It was surprisingly slow in there today even though the park is busy. I'll be in there again Wednesday. Tomorrow I'm going to TRY to take the day off...we'll see how I do with that!

Sorry to all of my crochet readers... I realize this hasn't been too much of a "crochet" blog lately since I haven't been doing to much of that lately. I wish I had time to do it more for my sanity. The girl I'm working with at the visitor's center wants me to teach her to crochet. She knows a little bit but she's going to bring her stuff on Wednesday for me to help her during our down time. She has a blanket she had started a long time ago and can't remember what she was doing on it now. I'm going to look at it for her and see if I can figure out the pattern so she can start on it again.

In the meantime, this is all I have gotten done on the baby blanket I'm working on. I found out that the young couple that bought our house is having a baby. I didn't know who I was making this for but maybe this blanket is for her baby...we'll see if its a girl! It's not much to look at right now but it will get better!

This is the book the pattern comes from and what the blanket will look like when I'm done...

What next?

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