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Thursday, May 06, 2010

I don't function well in disorganization....


I'm feeling a little "discombobulated" today. Just a lot of things to try to juggle and I'm not really sure just what to do but I feel like I should be doing something! We finally got to meet with everyone we were supposed to meet with today about getting our ducks in a row here at the park. We have our radios, our shirts and our "Gator" issued to us. They seem to really love park hosts here and there is lots of things to do and they need a lot of help. I have a feeling this is going to be a very interesting summer! If someone is breaking rules, we can say something to people but if they give your an attitude or don't comply, we just leave them alone and radio law enforcement to take care of it. Jeff got up early this morning to do "site checks" before he went to his job. We picked up the list tonight and tomorrow's list is a lot longer since it's Friday. The summer should be really something because this is a very big park. I may be volunteering in the visitor's center or cleaning or checking cabins...not sure yet. Seems that you can do or not do whatever you want. I'm going to go along with another lady tomorrow to do the cabins and see what to do. Jeff worked yesterday and then came home and mowed some of the front entrance to the park for a couple of hours. Tonight it was pretty fun. Jeff and I hopped on the "Gator" and went around the park checking bathrooms. We had to deal with our first complaint when a lady stopped us to complain about someone's loud music. (Not the fun part) Jeff went up to ask them politely to turn the music down and they actually complied nicely (which we weren't too sure they were going to do). I'm not much on doing that type of stuff. I'm very much a mind my own business kind of person.

Michael is taking this park hosting very seriously...he's been running around picking up trash and learning the trails. The more people that know the trails, the better, because inevitably somebody will get lost this summer. He's not wanting to swim or do things with his sister like he usually does because he wants to do his park hosting responsibilities... so Alison is feeling lonely and missing her friends. She's wanting to start planning a friend to visit but I don't know that I can manage it if I'm working nor can I afford to pick anyone up to meet anyone anywhere. I'm just having to give her the cold, hard facts of reality. I guess it's good for a kid sometimes but either way, its not fun.

Some good news is that I found out they have a private laundry room for the park hosts here in the park! I went down there last night to see how much it costs. I was very happy to find the machines are regular machines that don't cost money! I think this is going to save us a lot of money! I washed two loads of laundry last night and the dryer actually dried my clothes! I'm convinced they set those coin dryers not dry as fast so you have to put more money in them! I haven't had a load of laundry dry completely in a 45 minutes cycle since we moved out of our house until last night!

What next?

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