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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wow. I know I already said this but.....


I just can't believe how fast the weeks are going by! We didn't have water for a couple of days this week because the well pump went out. We were going to the state park to take our showers at night. You don't realize how precious every drop of water is until you don't have it! Can't wash your hands or flush the toilet. This is the 2nd time we've not had water since we moved here but it's expected. We knew that was how it was here. As a matter of fact, I'm preferring to go the the park for a shower at least once a week even if we do have water. The water is so extremely hard that it does a number on my hair. My hair needs a wash in different water at least once a week. Anyway, I was thinking how much life has changed since we moved from Houston 3 years ago. Things I took for granted back then, I don't even give a second thought about not having now. A dishwasher?, that seemed so long ago. Now washing dishes by hand is no big deal. I'm just happy to have water and a full size sink! HA! Anyway, what else have I been doing? morning routine is to get up at about 8 am and feed the cats in the barn, then I grain feed a couple of horses, and then give the goats grain. We burn our trash here so I do that every couple of days....this week I took on the mission of pulling some rag weed. I have my work cut out for me...

It gets mowed but it takes over and if I can get it pulled, it won't come back and the grass can grow. I did a pasture last summer that way and this year that pasture looks great. Today was a slow day around here....we had two people want to do a trail ride so Alison took them out. The phone wasn't ringing, it looked like it was going to rain so they unsaddled. Then, we had two more people want to come ride so Alison is just abouto have to go re-saddle a couple more horses to take those people out. The rain has never came. Other than that, Jeff's been working on some project around here that needed to be done. Alison and Serenity were messing with the horses....practicing barrells in the Arena, and riding around double on Princess.
(Have I mentioned that I Love these kids) Much to Alison and Morgan's unhappiness, Morgan had to work in the state park today and I believe he works again tomorrow. He worked last weekend too. Those two are still happily together and working through things that come up in their young relationship. I don't see any signs that this is going to end any time soon...they just keep working through the stuff that come up it seems and seem to come out closer after each issue. I'm okay with everything so far. This first LOVE stuff is rough on a mom though! Well, I here's my mess of an afghan I'm working on. I'm not really happy with how this one comes to together but by golly, I will finish it!

What next?

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