My son is 17!
0 boy is almost grown! We celebrated his birthday a bit differently this year! We usually have a birthday camping trip and he brings along a friend. Incidentally, often we would often spend his birthday in the very park that we are now living in! LOL! Bev made Michael a Key-Lime Pie and brought it down to the stables today for us all. She's the kid's adopted grandma here! She just thinks the kids are great. It's really neat that God has put these people in our lives. I know a very special relationship is forming. The way Bev treats Michael reminds me alot of how my mom was about Michael. I'm glad he has someone to take special interest in him and appreciate his unique personality. Mrs. Stable gave Michael a card and some money in it to all have dinner.
Michael's new boots we bought last week were actually his birthday present but I couldn't bear not having anything for him to open on his birthday so I picked him up a few things in the visitor's center gift shop yesterday for him. You can't tell from the look on his face, but he really liked the Snake guide I got him. He said he had just spent time looking up snakes on the internet last night.
It's very hard to get Michael to cooperate taking pictures.
As an added bonus on his birthday he got to help skin a pig that Ryan, another helped on the property got! He wanted the hyde and he promptly went to Bev's to look up how to tan a hyde on the internet. If you know Michael, this is right up his alley. He's been talking about being a Taxidermist lately. It might sound gross to some people but out here in the country, he fits right in. He has some other plans for another part of the pig that I'll spare you the details of and just surprise you all with the end result! LOL
We went into town and got subway sandwiches for lunch today in celebration of Michael's birthday. While they were in town, Alison wanted to go into the Feed Store to look at those boots she's been eyeing again. She came home with her brand new boots on! They already look a little scuffed because one day at the stables and they've already have a day's work on them.
I remember when I got my first pair of Justin Ropers when I was about her age. I sure loved those boots.
We are getting to where we just hang out up at the stables longer and longer than we really have to.
It was a good day!
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