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Saturday, October 02, 2010

It feels like forever since I posted....


but I see it hasn't really been all that long. This week has seemed to drag by for me though. Jeff put in several really long days this week. I think there were about 3 nights that he got home 8:30-9:00 pm. He'll be real tired and it's pretty much time for bed. It's a big adjustment to get used to when we've always been a family that "eats together". Of course there are two nights a week that I'm not even home until almost 8:00 pm because of Alison's dance. I'm still trying to work out what the best way to have dinner is on those nights. I have such a hang-up that I am supposed to cook dinner. The kids like for me to cook dinner but its hard to do when you aren't here to cook it and who wants to be cooking that late and then have to wash all those dishes? Jeff got home early yesterday though and today was the day we did horse rides at the stables.

Today, Mrs. Stable showed Alison how to work with Princess in the round pen. I tried to take some pictures but I got my camera out and the batteries were dead! I've been slacking on taking pictures! Anyway, Alison has to remember to stay in the middle and not to talk to Princess like she's used to doing. Alison has to learn to assert herself a little more. She did good though. Hopefully, we'll be able to get with her some more this week to work with her some more. Tomorrow night is our 2nd 4-H meeting. Alison's going to have to leave dance early tomorrow to make her 4-H meeting.

Tomorrow, it looks like we have the day off so we're going to go to church tomorrow. We're going to visit the church of a family we met at Alison's dance school. They homeschool too and have 2 girls in Alison's dance class. They live in the town over but it's not too far and its a beautiful drive. The neat thing is that the pastor does taxidermy! I think Michael is going to walk to talk with him about that. That would be really neat if he could do some apprenticing with Michael....someone who does taxidermy and would be a good influence on Michael as well!

Well, time to get the kids from the game room and make them go to bed so we can get up tomorrow morning....ouch, and I just remember I need to make my grocery list for tomorrow too!

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